Thursday 28 May 2020


Copyright relevant owner

Here's the first episode of DON STARR's very last adventure to appear in the pages of TERRIFIC, which, over its 43 ish run, also featured MARVEL reprints of SUB-MARINER, The AVENGERS, GIANT-MAN, and DOCTOR STRANGE.  Note the reference to SPIDER-MAN in the sixth panel of the third page.  (Spidey had appeared in Terrific in an Avengers tale, as well as in a pin-up on the back cover.)

This was obviously intended to give the impression that Don Starr inhabited the same universe as the Marvel heroes, but were the story ever to be reprinted today, it would be assumed to be no more than a quip about a well-known comicbook and movie character.  Therefore, if the story does get reprinted at some time in the future, I hope the reference is left in place.

Anyway, be sure to register your insightful impressions of this tale in the oft-neglected comments section.  After all, I need all the help I can get from you Crivs to make these posts interesting.

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