Sunday 24 May 2020


This unfinished pencil sketch was started when I was living down in Southsea in Portsmouth back in 1985.  I copied it from an interior photograph of the author of an art book, both of which I've long since forgotten.  I never got to finish it before having to hand the book back in to the library, being too busy pursuing my career as a calligraphic artist (okay then... a letterer) in the world of comics.  I'd love to find out what the book's called and who the author is so that I can finally complete the sketch, lo, these 35 years later.  If any Crivvies can assist, I'd be much obliged.

Of course, I could just finish the drawing using my imagination, but that would leave me open to criticism that I hadn't 'captured' the original photo (if it's ever found to be compared against) so I'd much rather be as faithful to the source as possible.

At the beginning of the book was a quotation from MICHELANGELO, which I was so impressed by that I made a note of it.  Hopefully, if you harbour any artistic aspirations (and talent), it may inspire you to achieve them.

"Let this be plain to all: design, or as it is called by another name, drawing, constitutes the fountain-head and substance of painting and sculpture and architecture and every other kind of painting, and is the root of all sciences.  Let him who has attained the possession of this be assured that he possesses a great treasure;..."


Now - go forth and conquer!  But first, someone tell me who the author is and what the book's called.


Just before I pressed 'publish', I decided on a whim to Google Search the quote by Michelangelo and discovered that the book is called 'On The ART Of DRAWING' by ROBERT FAWCETT.  However, the limited preview of the book doesn't contain the photograph, so if anyone has it and can send me a scan, please let me know.

Update: Managed to find a copy of the photo by doing an image search of my own sketch.  Now, at last, I can finish the drawing when I remember where I put the original.  I'd scanned it a few years ago, and lifted the image at the top of this post from an earlier one.  That's the photo below.


  1. Very nice sketch, Kid. What inspired you to copy this particular photo?

  2. Simply because it was there, B. I'd got the book from the library and, feeling inspired, just decided to try my hand at drawing something. The author seemed like a natural choice and the photo had some interesting folds and shadows, so I thought I'd give it a go. Maybe I'll even finish it one day now that I've got the photo to refer to again.

    1. You should. You’re very talented from the stuff you’ve shared on your blog

  3. I've been saying as much for years, B, but you're the first person to agree with me. Apart from my doctor, though I suspect he's just humouring me.


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