Friday 8 May 2020


Write your own captions for this pic -
I'm too busy swooning over the womanly
 charms of lithe LYNDSAY WAGNER.


  1. Her bionic woman character was originally just intended to appear in two episodes of The Six Million Dollar Man, but Lindsay proved to be so popular that she ended up starring in her own spin-off series.

    In the 1990s, something similar happened with Lucy Lawless, who first played Xena in a couple of episodes of the Hercules TV series.

  2. If I recall correctly, TC, she originally died at the end of those two episodes, did she not? Then they brought her back because, as you say, she was such a hit.

    Never watched Hercules to be honest, but DID watch Xena. Liked the blonde villainess.

  3. Yes, those two episodes were supposed to be a tragic love story in which Lindsay's character died at the end, but demand was so strong that they had to find a way to bring her back.

    And Hudson Leick was awesome as Xena's arch enemy Callisto. "Barbie on acid."

  4. Hudson Leick - that's her! I was sure she was a babe on the blog somewhere, but I can't find her. I'll sort that soon.


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