Friday 15 May 2020



Lovely stuff!  Six new titanic TRUE BELIEVERS comics arrived this morning, and being the unselfish paragon of genial generosity that I am, I've decided to share the cataclysmic covers with all you crazy Crivs.  There's no point identifying each title individually when you can see which ones they are for yourselves, though I'd like to draw your attention to The AVENGERS issue with CAPTAIN MARVEL on the cracking (and crackling) cover above.

This ish (originally Avengers #89) was previously reprinted as a True Believers mag (smaller image above) around 14 months ago, but with the original masthead (and subtitle) removed and replaced with a far less impressive one.  I've included the cover to remind you, so that you can compare the difference and see how much better the covers are when they're not altered too much.  Hopefully MARVEL will continue on this course with all future issues.

Any, enough waffle from me - enjoy the covers!


  1. Hope everyone is keeping well out there. That Avengers issue was a great comic. At the time I did not know about the impending Kree/Skull war(I wonder did Roy fully know what would follow!) so I just enjoyed another single Avengers comic which for 3 years had just got better and better! Similarly the next 3 years were of a similar standard with the only hiccup being a dip in art between #109-121!Just my opinion of course. Plus FF #37 was the last issue before Kirby exploded with multi layered stories and some of the best artwork...... ever!Halcyon days indeed. Thanks for sharing mate.

  2. Funnily enough, I didn't know about it either, Triple F, and it wasn't until it was reprinted in the UK Avengers weekly comic that I got to read it. I've now got the Masterworks volume(s) reprinting it, but may buy the collected edition advertised within the TB issue. Glad you enjoyed the post.

  3. Philip Crawley16 May 2020 at 01:38

    I have the collected trade PB of the Kree/Skrull War, which was published (as a paperback) in 2013. As I've had it for quite a few years I must have ordered it close to that date. A great run of issues there, even though I am not a huge fan of Sal Buscema's art, I much prefer his brother John, I was pleased that Neal Adams drew so much of it, and all of the detail comes out in the reprint. Always been a fan of NA ever since I first encountered his art in some Deadman reprints that made it over here in a cheap black and white local printing.
    Haven't really tried to track down any of the True Believer issues, the comic shop in Melbourne is a bit heavy on pricing so I guess online orders would be cheaper - once I have some money coming in again (coronavirus having killed off my income).

  4. I saw a hardback of the Kree/Skrull War a few years ago and nearly bought it, but didn't and now wish I had, PC. Sal's pencils really needed a good inker, and perhaps he took a bit more time in his early Marvel stuff, because the art in Avengers #89 I can't really fault in the slightest. He'd loosened up a bit by the time he was drawing Spider-Man and The Hulk, and his inkers might not always have been the best choices. Either that, or his pencils were so loose that even the inkers couldn't always improve things too much.

    Over here, it's cheaper to buy True Believers in comics shops, PC, but I can't travel too far for too long these days, and as the nearest comic shops are at least a half hour train journey away (which costs me around a fiver return and would take an hour, not including another hour to and from the local station - and also not including my journey each way to the comic shop once I'm in Glasgow), it's more convenient for me to order them via ebay, though they cost a bit more. I'd think Australian comic shops would probably work out cheaper than ebay for you, depending on how far away they are from you.

    Incidentally, the book's all wrapped up and ready to go.

  5. Since 2018 there's been a comics shop in my town centre, just a five-minute walk from my house - but will it re-open after lockdown ends?

  6. I suppose it will depend on just how well it was doing financially before it closed, CJ. And whether some readers will have grown out of the habit of buying comics while it was closed. Keep your fellow Crivs informed of developments.


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