Thursday 30 April 2020


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YOGI And His TOY was an odd comic that lasted for 36 issues from February to October 1972, before becoming HANNA-BARBERA'S FUN TIME in November, lasting for around 6 months or so.  It was odd because it combined two different forms of storytelling; namely the use of speech balloons along with captions below the panel drawings.  The DANDY's WINKER WATSON employed the same format, but that's the only other time I recall it being done in a (then) 'modern' comic.  (The DAILY EXPRESS newspaper strip RUPERT BEAR also used lower captions, of course, but not speech balloons.)

I only have a handful of Yogi Issues, but I thought I'd show the covers anyway, just to give all you crazy Crivs an idea of what it looked like in case you missed it at the time.  As you can see, a couple of them are quite worn, as it's difficult to track down better condition copies at a reasonable price.  I doubt I'd ever bother seeking out a complete set unless I got them for a song, but it would be good to have several in sequential order and in decent condition.

As I said before in a previous post, I was probably too old (at 13) to be buying this comic, but I always found it hard to resist the lure of a new periodical and was also a big Yogi Bear fan, which was no doubt my main reasons for buying it.  The comic only had 14 pages and cost 10 pence, which despite full-colour throughout, was a tad on the expensive side.  This was doubtless to cover the cost of the alleged 'free' gift, and makes you wonder where the Trade Descriptions folk are when you need them.

Anyway, that's enough weary waffle from me - enjoy the covers.  And if you'd like to read the complete first issue, click here.


  1. Thanks for showing these. I've an interest in how many of the cartoons from H-B made it to other shores, and even though the cartoons don't have a language barrier in Merrie Ole England, I wasn't sure their humor would translate well. I know I used to read a fair number of H-B comics before getting into superheroes, but I can't remember much of anything but some FLINTSTONES issues.

  2. Yogi Bear and Huckleberry Hound both had their own titles in the UK back in the '60s, though the Yogi periodical was soon merged into Huck's weekly. That's a reversal of what happened in the States, where Yogi's popularity soon eclipsed Huck's, resulting in the bruin being given his own show. I don't think there's been a decade since the '60s where Hanna-Barbera characters haven't appeared in a UK title.


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