Tuesday 14 April 2020


Copyright relevant owner

Around two and a half years ago, when I finally managed to obtain the special edition of TV21 #243 from The OFFICIAL GERRY ANDERSON WEBSITE, one of the disappointments was that the postcards which originally accompanied it weren't included in the price.  (Another disappointment was that, overall, the comic was nowhere near as good as the original incarnation - though it was still worth having.  See my review here.)

You see, both comic and postcards were originally included in a Blu-ray DVD release by NETWORK, and either they printed a surplus, or the Blu-rays failed to sell in the anticipated numbers, resulting in a 'warehouse find' of comic and postcards being snapped up by the Official Anderson Website, run by Gerry's son JAMIE.  If I recall correctly, the comic was made available first, with the postcards going on sale later, though perhaps they were available at the same time, but as two separate items.

I also seem to remember hearing about a later special offer where both items could be purchased together, but whatever the case, I recently took advantage of another (recent) offer to be sent the postcards for only the price of postage - saving myself £3.99 in the process.  Anyway, they arrived today, so I thought I'd just let all you Crivs know that you can buy them from the Anderson Website, as well as the special edition of TV21, though you'll have to purchase them individually.  (If you don't see them, type the name of the item into their search box.)

So what are you waiting for?  Jump over there now by clicking their name in the first paragraph.

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