Monday 6 April 2020


Sadly, the delightful HONOR BLACKMAN, who played CATHY GALE in The AVENGERS and PUSSY GALORE in GOLDFINGER, has died at the age of 94.  Yet another part of the nation's collective youth gone forever, alas, though she'll live on in all our minds, hearts, and DVDs.  Condolences to her family, friends, and fans.


  1. Sad news. Not only gorgeous she had that wonderful trained speaking voice which I miss.

  2. A posh but sultry voice, PS. She was a darling.

  3. She was good and as said had a great voice. I believe she made a mistake doing Bond. After Bond that was it.. Who knows where she would have gone had she stayed as Cathy Gale.. No Emma Peel

  4. Might've gone nowhere, LH. After all, Goldfinger was a huge movie. Now she's remembered for two iconic characters rather than just one. Linda Thorson never left The Avengers to do a Bond picture, yet she seemed to disappear when the show finished.

  5. Sad news. I tend to agree the Goldfinger film was probably helped Honors and probably gave her more opportunities than if she hadn't appeared in that film. It certainly didn't affect her career as she appeared in a lot of films and TV progs. She was certainly a legend. regardless.

  6. Makes one feel old when the icons of one's youth start disappearing, eh, McS? I'm trying not to think of who might be next.

  7. Yes, a legend and I also admire her for refusing an honour (CBE or something) because she wasn't a royalist. Good for you Honor (it just occurred to me - Honor refused an honour).

  8. Good grief, CJ - you've just been witty. Has there been a change in your diet recently?

  9. I feel older more because some of our childhood heroes are in their 90s. In my mind they are still young(ish) I was genuinely surprised Honor was 94. Sean Connery must be a fair age now as well.

  10. Shean, er, I mean Sean will be 90 in August, McS. Rumour is that he's got Dementia, but I think he's denied it. Just think - all these age-related problems aren't too far ahead of us now.

  11. Before Atomic Blonde, Alias, Honey West, or even Emma Peel, there was Honor Blackman as an action heroine.

    She published "Honor Blackman's Book of Self-Defence," demonstrating judo techniques, in 1966. It was one of the first hand-to-hand combat instruction books designed specifically for women.

  12. I bet that's a tidy little collectable worth a good few £££s these days, TC - even before her recent sad demise I mean.


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