Wednesday 15 April 2020


Apparently it was DAN DARE's 70th anniversary yesterday, as well as that of the comic he first appeared in - EAGLE.  April 14th is the 'official' date because that's what was printed on the cover of #1, but as we all know, comics usually go on sale before the cover date, from a few days right up to a week.  Anyway, above is a photo of the great man himself, exploring the vast expanse of my back garden.  (You'd be amazed at all the famous people who often drop in for a visit at my humble abode.  Yea, verily.)  


  1. SIince he has his 'Wellies' on get him started on weeding.

  2. I'm going to get him to mow the front and back lawn first, T47, then trim the hedges.

  3. Very neat! Come to think of it I've never seen a Dan Dare figure before ever.

  4. And what's more, PS, it's an official Dan Dare figure. Very rare, I'd imagine.

  5. That is one excellent looking Dan dare action figure Kid! How tall is he?

  6. It's hanging on the wall at the side of me, Woodsy, but it's right at the top so out of reach. At a guess I'd say it'a around 12 and a half to 13 inches - it certainly looks taller than Action Man.


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