Saturday 4 April 2020


Okay, Crivvies, it's time for a bit of fun!  Amazingly, my recently purchased GEMINI SPACE CAPSULE arrived today (HERMES must've used a space/time warp), so as promised, here's a quick shot of it alongside my great GOLDEN GATE STEVE ZODIAC and ZOONY on a JETMOBILE (excuse the dust).  I'll be taking some more pictures of the Capsule and adding them to my previous post about it as soon as I can.  (Now done!)  Meanwhile, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to think of a funny caption for the photograph.  Here, I'll start you off with a few (and add more as they occur to me)...

1) "That Zodiac looks like a bit of a bighead to me."

2) "Don't much fancy his date."

3) "Think he'll sell us some of his oxygen pills?"

4) "Keep on going - run the buggah down!"

5) "Just ignore it, Zoony.  It's not a patch on Fireball Junior."

6) "They've got a more varied colour scheme than us, Fred."

7) "Gah!  Trust Zodiac to go by when we're taking a dump!"

8) "I tell ya, this shot'll look great once the sfx guys add in a space backdrop and take out the wheels."

9) "I wonder if Venus knows those two are an item?"

10) "Zoony, I can feel you trying to lift that bar of chocolate from my back pocket."

11) "Let's pull him over for not wearing a space helmet."

12) "Look at his eyes - he seems 'spaced out' to me."

13) "I think the one in front is a dummy - he's being worked by the funny-looking one at the back."

14) "Nah, that ain't the pizza delivery guy - I don't see any boxes."

15) "That's the laziest way of taking your pet for a 'walk' that I've ever seen."

16) "You're right, Joe - these 3D 'drive-in' movies are great!  You'd think he was real!"

17) "Those speed cops will never catch anyone when they're that obvious, Zoony."

Can you think of any others?  The comments section awaits your esteemed presence.


  1. "You're going the wrong way Gemini! Space is Up!"

  2. "Got room for a Zoony guys?"

  3. The impatient Gemini twins take their ride out for an illicit spin down the M62 before tomorrow's take-off. Unfortunately they fly screaming past twitchy traffic officers Zodiac and Zoony keen to make a bust before bump'n'going for a swift fireball down the XL5 bar. There'll be friction for sure.

  4. Keep 'em coming, Woodsy - nobody else seems to be playing.

  5. Steve: "I wish I was a spaceman"
    Gemini " I think its gonna be a long long time"
    Steve: "The fastest guy alive"
    Gemini: "You're not the man think they think you are at home"
    Steve: "My heart is like a fireball"
    Gemini: "In fact its cold as hell"
    Steve: "I'd fly you round the universe"
    Gemini [running off] " Oh no no noooooooooooo!"

  6. Astronaut: "As if the mission wasn't dangerous enough, you've managed to crash land within 2 metres of someone!"

  7. Just as well they didn't crash any closer, HS - they'd have been arrested for breaching social isolation.

  8. Tony K

    Gemini astronauts -
    'Zodiac looks good for his age!'
    'Yeah, but dyes his hair these days'

  9. Don't tell anybody, TK, but he's also had his face lifted, as well as his body dropped.

  10. ... not to mention his fake tan and polygrip dentures :)

  11. And don't forget his corset, the lifts in his shoes, and his penile extension.

  12. Gemini astronauts -

    'I wouldn't say it in front of Steve, but Venus has let herself go a bit!'
    'Yeah, she certainly looks different without her make-up.'

  13. Without a word of a lie, TK, I was going to have one of the astronauts say "That Venus has sure let herself go!", but I thought people might think it was referring to Steve instead of Zoony, so I changed it to "Don't much fancy his date." Two great minds, eh?

  14. Synchronicity is an entertaining, but equally curious thing, Kid :)

  15. Funnily enough, I was just about to say that, TK. (Okay, now I'm just lying.)

  16. Zodiac : Sorry gentlemen you cannot park that capsule there it is only 10 minute parking.
    Astronaut: Bloody Cop !

  17. Astronaut: Hey biker arent you supposed to have a bird on the back not a baboon. Heh
    Zodiac: Go blow up a planet!

  18. In another solar system I trust, LH. Any more?

  19. Zodiac to Astronauts : As they say spam in a can
    Astronaut to Zodiac. Spoken by a monkeys uncle

  20. Uncle Steve and nephew Zoony - could be a new sit-com, eh, LH?

  21. Astronaut to Astronaut : Hey buddy aint that Jimmy Gibson and his pet monkey Mitch
    Zodiac to Astronaut : Up yours !

  22. My first thought was:

    "Don't worry, Zoony, we'll stay two metres from them" but Hackney Steve beat me to a social distancing joke.

    How about the astronauts are saying:

    "Hey you two, we're self isolating but we forgot about toilet paper - can you pop to Tesco's and fetch us some?"

  23. Not too bad, CJ, let's have some more.

  24. Astronaut to Astronaut....You're right Taylor it is the Planet of the Apes..

  25. Or one of the sequels, LH?

  26. Many sequels or remakes or re remakes or prequels...have I forgotten any

  27. Dunno - I lost track of them years ago. They've been done to death I think.

  28. Drat, believe it or not I too had a POTA suggestion which was one of the astronauts saying:

    "Are you absolutely certain we've landed on the Planet Of The Apes?"

    Here are some more...

    1) Steve Zodiac and Zoony have returned from Tesco (see my previous comment):

    "There was no toilet paper left but we brought some of Dez Skinn's Marvel Revolution weeklies instead"
    Obviously I was inspired by your previous Dandy comment, Kid :D

    2) The astronauts are saying:

    "Hey, just because the weather's improved it doesn't mean you can go cavorting around the countryside - stay at home and protect our NHS, you selfish t*ssers"

    3) "Come on, Zoony, let's sneak off to our second home after telling everybody to stay in their (first) home. I'm sure nobody will see us - OH SH*T"
    Inspired by Scotland's chief medical officer.

    4) The astronauts are saying:

    "Hi, y'all - we've landed in your Briddish Isles Of Ingerland-land because we've heard about the fantastic opportunities now Brexit's been done and we really admire your president, Boris Jones. We are 100% certain those Brexit opportunities are real and weren't just invented to fool millions of gullible voters, no siree"

    5) The astronauts are saying:

    "Where have you been?? We've been waiting for three hours. That's the last time we order anything from Zodiac Pizzas"

  29. Tesco sell Marvel Revolution weeklies? Who knew!

    Take it you're a 'remainer' then, eh, CJ?

  30. Kid, I'm assuming Steve Zodiac had a pile of Marvel Revolution weeklies at home - probably stored in the attic like Chez Robson :)

    What's a 'remainer'? We can't remain in something we've already left. I resigned myself to Brexit long ago but I think a lot of Brexit voters are in for a big disappointment. Anyway, Covid-19 has probably wrecked the economy for the next few years so who knows what the future will bring? Perhaps the EU itself will crumble.

  31. I suspect that Brexit (ignoring Covid-19 for the moment) wouldn't have been exactly what some people hoped for, but neither would it have been the disaster that other people feared, CS. Now we'll probably never know, 'cos the virus has b*ggered everything up.

  32. Thanks to everyone for responding. Wasn't it fun? You're ALL winners.

  33. "Say what you like, but mine gets more chicks!"

  34. When he's not taking Venus's pet Lazoon out for a run, 3.

  35. Take your stinking paws off me you dirty ape!!

  36. I'm sure he loves Zoony really.


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