Thursday 23 April 2020


Unfortunately, my computer seems to have been infected by a virus (not Corona), so until it's sorted, I'll have to stop blogging.  Apologies, but not my fault.  Please note that I'll probably be unable to respond to emails as well.  See you whenever.

Update: Just found out that it isn't a virus - the LED which lights up my screen has died, resulting in it looking like a coal cellar at midnight.  If I shine a torch on it from the side, I can just barely see to type - but it's not an ideal way to blog.  Given the current situation, I've no idea when I'll be able to get it repaired so I'd appreciate you Crivs helping to keep the blog going by visiting some old posts.  You've only got about four and a half thousand to choose from.

Further update: A friend has lent me a monitor to plug in to my computer so that I can continue blogging, so I'll maybe post something later tonight.  (Was that a groan of despair I just heard?)  Thanks, Iain.


  1. Are you sure it's not just that the screen brightness has been accidentally turned down? Try holding down the "fn" key and the key at the top of your keyboard which has a large sun symbol on it (not the one that has a small sun symbol on it). That might do some good.

  2. Here's a true story. It happened round about 1995.

    My wife said to me, "I've been told that there are computer viruses".

    I replied, "Yes".

    To which she said, "You should change your job. I don't want you to infect me and the children".

    Don't worry, she's caught up with technology now. 25 years later she even uses her own laptop. But she still has to call me whenever something doesn't work.

  3. Steve, my keyboard doesn't have a large sun symbol, only two little ones, up and down. My screen looks black until I shine a torch into it at an angle, then it looks like smoked glass and I can see the desktop symbols underneath. Apparently, there's a light which makes it possible to see the screen lit up and, by all accounts, it's died. Will need to get it replaced. In the meantime, a friend has lent me a monitor to plug in so that I can see the screen.


    That reminds me of the old joke: What do you give the woman who has everything?

    A man to show her how it works.

  4. Whats that reckon he got his virus from hanging around seedy porn sites. Its the confession box for him for certain...What is the world coming too...heh

  5. What's that, Jeri... you reckon LH didn't read the post properly because it was clearly stated that it turned out not to be a virus, only a light going bust in the screen? I'd say you're right, so it's off to Vision Express for LH the first chance he gets.

  6. Hi Kid.

    Did you get your computer fixed?

    If not, what's the make/model of your laptop please?

    I am decluttering just now, and have a few broken laptops - maybe one could be used to replace your faulty screen?

  7. Haven't got it fixed yet, 'cos I'm not sure it's worth the expense. I've been quoted anything from £80 to £200 to replace the screen, so as my computer is practically obsolete (Windows Vista), it might be better just to buy a new one. Or I may just buy a monitor from a charity shop for £10 or £20 and keep it going for as long as possible. Anyway, it's a Dell Inspiron 1720 I have at the moment. Not the 'Ritz' as far as laptops go, but it does everything I need it to (when the screen's working).

  8. Hi Kid,

    I might be able to help here.

    I have an inspiron 1720 with a broken motherboard, but the screen does work.

    No charge, but we'd need to work out the logistics of getting you a loan machine and of course, getting the faulty one for repair.

    It'd take around a week, unless you think you could replace the screen yourself?

    I'm in rutherglen if that helps.



  9. Hi JS. I take it that you've got a computer repair shop then? I don't mind paying for the screen and the swap-over, but I couldn't wait a week. How much for a same day repair so that you'd at least be compensated to some degree? What to do is send me the 'phone number of your shop (I won't publish it - unless you want me to of course) and when I can get one of my mates to run me in, I'll contact you first and we can arrange something. How does that sound? And thanks for the offer, much appreciated.


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