Friday 27 March 2020


Characters copyright relevant and respective owners

Right, where were we?  Like I said in a previous post, back around 1986 or '87 the 3rd TV TORNADO Annual (1970) was given to me by an old schoolfriend.  Then, nine days ago - Wednesday 18th to be precise - his best pal (another old schoolfriend) gave me the 1st Annual (1968) to add to my collection.  Today I received the 2nd Annual (1969), bought on eBay, and tomorrow (Saturday) or Monday, the 4th and final one (1971) should hopefully arrive to complete the set.  So it's taken me 33-34 years to get all four, making me feel like MAGNUS ("Ive started so I'll finish") MAGNUSSON.

But are you lot interested in any of that?  I guess not, but I always like to write something in each new post to justify including an image with it.  And be honest - don't you regard the proffered pictorial presentation as a well-deserved reward for wading through whatever dreary pish I've written?  So, that way, each of us feels validated for being here and honour is satisfied on both sides of the Bloggerland border.  Tell you what, if you like this cover, go to your front door, throw it open - then applaud as loud as you can to show your appreciation.  What's that?  No chance, you did that last night and you're not falling for it again?

Good.  You're learning.  

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