Sunday 8 March 2020


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I'll let you in on a little secret - writing text pieces to accompany each instalment of a multi-part serial on this blog is more difficult than it might seem.  Especially if mere repetition of what's already been said in previous posts is to be avoided.  That's why I've tried to master the art of writing what I call 'filler-pish', just to give you Crivs something to read.  "Oh you've definitely mastered the art of writing pish!" I hear some wag cry.  (B*st*rd!)  Anyway, here's the spiel: DON STARR is captured by DOCTOR FEAR, in a comic strip that was first presented way back in 1967, in the pages of a weekly periodical called TERRIFIC.  There - I think I've adequately met the requirement of delivering an intro that gives the illusion that you're being informed as well as entertained, so I'm outta here!  See you all next time.


  1. Thanks,Kid. Am looking forward to the next installment.

  2. Should be up in a day or two, JP.

  3. Always informed and entertained by your musings(not sure if that's a word!) The only problem I find, as with today's info, is that many of your suggestions to read are fantastic but I might not have enough years left to read my current stockpile of books, Comics etc. never mind additional suggestions. Regardless keep up the good work.

  4. I believe 'musings' is a word, FFF, which is why I use it in the title of my other blog. I often wonder if I'll have enough time to read all the books and comics I've still to look at, and build the model kits that have lain unassembled for decades, but I live in hope. Cheers.

  5. Obviously it is better to have too many books/comics to read than too few Kid. Many happy memories of Airfix kits in the 1970s but preferred the plastic moulded tanks and trucks that sold for 17 and a half pence or thereabouts. Loved Chieftain, Tiger and Sherman tanks and the DUKW amphibious craft.Looking back we were blessed with a golden era to grow up in!!!

  6. Sadly, not as many kids today know the joy of assembling and painting Airfix model kits, FFF. They'd rather go out and snap young saplings and vandalise bus shelters. Yes, we certainly had a golden era. In fact, I've still got to build my Airfix Angel Interceptor, Lunar Module, James Bond & Oddjob, plus a few other kits.


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