Sunday 15 March 2020


Copyright relevant owner

Ooh, an interesting plot-twist this time around, Crivs, but I'll let you discover it for yourselves in the accompanying pages.  Be sure and register your vote for continuing with this series, as response has been rather muted to be honest.  Is DON STARR a star with you or not?  Let me know, frantic ones.

(Note that the same dialogue is used in two consecutive panels on the first page, which means that the letterer missed out the correct word balloon and inadvertently did one twice.) 


  1. That's quite a plot twist! Not sure if I like it. Onwards to the ghostly mansion! I hope you are going to continue, Kid!

  2. It's almost as if another writer has taken over and decided he didn't like where the previous one was going with the story, isn't it, JP? Or maybe the same writer came up with what he thought was a better idea. Will we ever know?


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