Tuesday 3 March 2020


Y'know, Crivs, forgive my uncommon immodesty, but sometimes I amaze myself with my brilliance.  Before I present the evidence to convince you that my claim is no idle boast, I first have to relate an incident that took place around 38 years ago.  I believe it was 1982 and I was attending a summer fayre organised by the church at the top of the street where I used to live between 1965 and '72.  (Or maybe it was a winter fayre at the end of 1981.)  The fayre (snobby word for jumble sale) was actually in my old primary school at the bottom of the street because it was larger and could better accommodate the stalls and events on offer.

On the stage of the school hall were several tables, and on one near the front I spied 'The Little Picture Hymn Book', illustrated by Cicely Mary Barker, a celebrated artist of fairies and flowers.  It had some of my favourite hymns from childhood and the colour plates were enchanting, so I immediately purchased it.  Unfortunately, it didn't have a dust-jacket, but it cost only pennies so I couldn't complain.  Often, at night, just before bed, sustained by a glass of milk and a wedge of cheese, I'd look through the book and read a few hymns, just to remind myself of when I was a kid.  (All Things Bright And BeautifulOnce In Royal David's City, and Away In A Manger, in case you were wondering.)

Must confess I haven't done that in a while, but I used to when I first got the book, and continued the habit in my new bedroom of the house we moved to in 1983, and again in my old bedroom when we returned to our previous house in 1987.  (Don't ask, it's a long story and not particularly interesting.)  Anyway, recently on eBay, I saw several copies of the book on sale and bought three of them for a song, two of which have the dust-jackets, but in far from perfect condition.  (Two books were one purchase, the second of which has no cover and a torn page.)

Anyway, yesterday (Monday) the single book turned up, and I scanned the dust-jacket and spent many hours (between naps) trying to digitally restore it to a presentable state, which I finally completed not too long ago.  It's not exactly perfect, as I'm somewhat limited in what I can do on my computer, but I've finally got a presentable cover to protect and adorn my book obtained back in 1982.  When the other two books arrive, I'll restore the torn page (one of the plates) and supply it with a copy of the dust-jacket to enhance its overall appearance.  It means I'll have four copies, so I might perhaps put a couple of them back on eBay, mentioning that they have 'facsimile' dustjackets.  (I'll keep the book from 1982, it'll be two of the three 'new' ones I'll maybe sell.)

Anyway, the opening photo is the seller's pic of the book I received today, and the ones below are of my original book with its replica cover.  And just because I'm a generous guy, following that are all 12 colour plates contained within this quaint little collectors' item.  If you've got this book sans dust-jacket, let me know (if you're a regular) and I'll send you a copy at my own expense.  It's as close to the real cover as I can get, making allowances for having to up the contrast in order to brighten the white background, and also disguise scuffs and marks accrued over the years on the worn original.

Now tell me - am I brilliant or what?  (H'mm, gone kinda quiet out there.)


  1. I find the second plate rather disturbing because it brings to mind the notorious "Children's Crusade" in the Middle Ages when a religious nutter persuaded a large group of children from Germany to go on a crusade to the Holy Land. They all either died on the journey or were captured by the Muslims and sold into slavery.

  2. That's right, CJ - always look on the bright side. Never mind all that, though - what about my brilliance? That's what the world needs to hear. (Or read.)

  3. Have to say you did a good job there Kid . I thought the same about plate 2 as well Colin either that or it was young marauding England football supporters . Very nice artwork though brought back memories of a Sunday school prize book I got.

  4. Thanks, McS. Terrible the way I fish for compliments, ain't it? The book I got as a Sunday School prize was The Gorilla Hunters by R.M. Ballantyne. It was the sequel to Coral Island.


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