Tuesday 31 March 2020


It was at the famous Barras Market in Glasgow one Saturday in the '60s.  If I recall correctly, one stall-holder was having an auction, and this Gemini NASA Space Capsule was one of the items on offer.  Or maybe it wasn't included in the auction and had a fixed price.  Either way, my father bought it for me, and it was a dearly-loved toy until it suffered the fate of all toys, by being replaced in my affections by another, newer, dearly-loved toy.  (Fickle, eh?  I love them all equally now though.)

Anyway, just bought a replacement on eBay earlier this afternoon, and here's a couple of the seller's pics to show off my new acquisition.  I'll replace them with my own photos when the toy arrives, and maybe engineer a photo-shoot opportunity of a visit from STEVE ZODIAC (and ZOONY) on his jetmobile.  Did any of you Crivs ever have one of these super-duper friction-drive space capsules when you were a kid?  Then wax sentimental about it in the comments section, why don'tcha?!

(And grateful thanks go to WOODSY of MOONBASE CENTRAL blog for telling me about it!)

Update: Capsule now arrived (April 4th).  Considering it came all the way from the Netherlands, that was mighty quick.  I've decided to not only add my own photos, but also retain the seller's just to have a bit of variety.  That's mine below.


  1. Not that into collecting old toys but that is cool.

  2. Yeah, it's a belter, McS. Another one reclaimed. Now if I could only find a Space Blimp Of Christmas.

  3. I may be biased, RD, but I think so too.

  4. You'll have to buy your own, GS, this one's MINE!

    (What happened to your blog?)

  5. Thought that was the Action Man capsule at first. So you have a Steve Zodiac on a jet scooter? Would live to see pics of that... had one as a kid. Probably my 'grail' nostalgia item (,but unaffordable if one ever came up, I fear....)

  6. Type "Way Out In Space Together..." into the blog's search box and you'll see a pic of my jetmobile toy, M. Mine cost me £500 over 20 years ago - I've since seen one with a £1,500 asking price.

  7. 'Twas only a case of credit where credit is due, Woodsy.


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