Thursday 6 February 2020



Wow!  35 years.  Really?  Yes, really.  'Twas way back in 1985 when I bought the first ish of a new SPIDEY mag - WEB Of SPIDER-MAN #1, and now I have the TRUE BELIEVERS reprint issue to complete the circle.  This one came out almost a couple of years ago, but I've only just acquired it.  Note that the new logo (replacing the original 'Web' one) doesn't look as out of place as most of the other replacement logos on current TB issues do.

Talking of which, the cover of the True Believers reprint of The INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #54 would've looked better if MARVEL had retained the corner illo of ol' SHELL-HEAD to offset the space around the new name.  I think someone needs to have a word with whoever's responsible for the replacement logos on this current batch of TBs, because quite a few of them let the side down.

Anyway, that small observation aside, they're still well-worth having for the titanic tales from yesteryear contained within.  And as I've mentioned before, the original, untampered-with covers are reproduced in the back of each mag.  (Just a shame they're not on the front.)

More TBs and Facsimile Editions coming up soon, frantic ones.


  1. Agree with you about the logos on these comics- a lot of them look clumsily added and I'd prefer the original logo - if they want to flag up that it's the first appearance of such-and-such, then put a banner across the top of the cover.

    DC's Dollar Comics line uses the original logos and look really nice.

  2. Thing is, DS, Marvel have sometimes printed some TBs with their original logos, but it's as if they feel they need to justify their reprinting of the current batch by tying them in to some new ongoing series or 'umbrella' name which loosely connects them.

    I've only bought the Swamp Thing #1 Dollar Comic because it used the original cover. Some of them have had new covers, which puts me off a bit.

  3. Some of the more recent Dollar Comics even have the correct issue numbers on them, like the Batman 386 that came out this week. There was one they reprinted a few months ago with a horrible photo cover- think it was a fairly recent Detective Comics issue.

    Some of the Marvel re-logoing (think I've just invented a word) is a bit baffling- is there really a huge market out there for comics with Bushman or the Absorbing Man's names splashed across the cover? I think more people would be attracted to them if they just called the comics Moon Knight and Thor.

  4. I'll have to take another look at what's available, DS, though if they're going to keep the covers the same, they'd maybe be better just sticking with the facsimile editions, original ads and all. Having said that, the Dollar Comics are cheaper and that's a big draw.

    I'd agree with you in regard to the TB's, but perhaps they're going to recycle some of these reprints as facsimile editions at some future date and don't want them looking exactly the same.


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