Friday 14 February 2020


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Space was not the 'final frontier' for someone too young to remember the Korean War.  The 1950s comics were.  Until PS Publishing and Gwandanaland started reproducing 1950s comics, with the exception of EC, I never got to see many of them.  In fact it was easier to find reproductions of the 1940s comics than the 1950s. While many of the stories are not great, and repetitive, it is wonderful to finally see many of my favorite artists starting out.

There was a huge amount of Sci-Fi and space adventure comics in the 1950s.  Here is Space Adventures #10 from 1954.  It lists its publisher through issue #8 as Capital, and then it changes to Charlton.  Steve Ditko did the art.


  1. Kid, I was surprised to find out how many comics of the 1950s were about travelling in outer space. A decade later that was rare. And it’s great to see the early work of August including Steve Ditko in these old books. We are talking about Comics nearly 70 years old!

  2. Maybe readers were more interested in the subject of space travel when it was still a fantasy, BP. Once it became a reality (man on the Moon), it perhaps lost its shine. Good to see some early Ditko art.

  3. Kids born and raised in the 1960s and later could not remember a time when astronauts and space travel were strictly the stuff of science fiction. So they took it for granted.

  4. We're of the same mind on the matter, TC.


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