Friday 7 February 2020


So presenter PHILLIP SCHOFIELD has come out of the closet, in a sickeningly self-important 'look at me' announcement on ITV's THIS MORNING.  Are we supposed to care about what an overpaid, self-obsessed celebrity's preferences are between the sheets?  Why does he imagine for one moment that it's newsworthy?

Personally, I feel sorry for his family, who have to endure unwanted attention simply because Phil felt he needed to declare on nationwide TV that he touches his toes for the boys.  Talk about selfish?

To put his own needs above those of his loved ones displays a total disregard for them, who I'm sure would've been quite happy for the situation to remain a private, family affair.  His wife of 27 years, regardless of what she may publicly claim to the contrary, must feel betrayed and humiliated.  Her marriage has seemingly been a sham since day one, and what it must do to her self-esteem to learn that the man she loved and married (and to whom she bore children) actually prefers other men is probably beyond imagining.

However, the one I feel most sorry for in all this is Phil's old colleague GORDON The GOPHER, who'll now be subjected to endless speculation as to whether or not he and Phil enjoyed anything more than a purely platonic friendship.  Let's face it, the jury was always out on Phil anyway, but to discover that gopher Gordon (who was always the star of that double-act in my opinion) shared his tendencies would be just too much to bear.  (Having said that, he did seem to spend an inordinate amount of screen time with a man's hand up his bum.)  

At the time of writing, Mr. Schofield has so far not commented on speculation that he'll be changing his surname to McCAVITY.


  1. Agree with you 100%. Its jumping on the bandwagon... stuff the others Im part of the new Society. Take him out back dig a hole throw him in it fill it in then cover it with concrete please.

  2. Well, I'll probably just switch channels whenever he comes on TV, LH, as it's less work. His sexuality is his own business - what annoys me is his arrogance in thinking that he's important enough to warrant making a public announcement on TV (or anywhere) as if anyone's interested in him. Get over yourself, Phil.

  3. Yeah, it's a constant need for more attention. If it wasn't a fashionable selling point at the moment, rather than the crime it used to be, there wouldn't be all this constant need to overshare their private life...they'd keep their bedroom preferences to themselves, as normal everyday folk do...I'm thinking of outing myself as a black lesbian to get some sympathy - and the way things are now, no one can dare say I'm just a delusional hetero white bloke (don't say it, Kid)!

  4. And here's me thinking you were a black lesbian named Stephanie who was called Steve for short. Life is full of surprises.

  5. At least in your country you don't (to my knowledge) have to deal with a candidate who thinks that his sexual preference qualifies him to ascend to the nation's highest office...

  6. I'm sure there'll be a few lurking out there, GP, just waiting for the right moment. It used to be that gays just wanted tolerance of their sexuality, now they see it as a way to get fast-tracked over everyone else. That's what the ideology of inclusivity and diversity have done for our countries.


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