Friday 21 February 2020



Copyright MARVEL COMICS.  Published by PANINI

48 pulsating pages!  Every issue comes with a free WOLVERINE POSTER!  A new adventure begins!  Wolverine travels to the Savage Land, and goes sword-to-claw with the legendary Conan the Barbarian!  But that's not all; Elektra is back, and she's heading for the Savage Land too!  The awesome action is supplied by Gerry Duggan & Mike Deodato!
Also: There's more than one Deadpool out there, and the zombies want to eat ALL of them!  A new saga begins: ‘Return of the Living Deadpool’!  Brought to you by Cullen Bunn & Nik Virella!
Featuring material first published in Free Comic Book Day 2019 #1, Savage Avengers #1 and Return of the Living Deadpool #1.
On sale Now!

48 pulse-pounding pages!  She-Hulk takes on Ulik, the deadliest Troll alive! Also: The Black Panther investigates the mysterious resurrection of SHIELD agent Phil Coulson!  Creatively crafted by Jason Aaron, Jason Masters & Ed McGuinness!
Featuring material first published in Avengers #20-21 and Marvel Comics #1000.
On sale Now!

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