Monday 17 February 2020



Here's a couple of REBELLION publications I received this morning, fellow Crivs, one of which was a complimentary copy on account of me being an actual contributor to the series.  I'm talking about THIRD WORLD WAR of course (can't say I'm particularly proud of my lettering on this strip - I was still experimenting), but the one that really floats my boat is BLACK MAX from THUNDER comic, published back in the early '70s.  Can't wait 'til they get around to reprinting ADAM ETERNO and the GAUNTLET Of FATE, to name but two.  If you'd like to see these classic strips as much as I would, it wouldn't hurt to contact the publishers and let them know that there's a demand for them.

In the meantime, while you're waiting, why not visit the TREASURY Of BRITISH COMICS website and see what's on offer?  There's bound to be something you'll like.


  1. Loved The Black Max Strip, Thunder was my fave comic at the time, i remember the TV ad which featured the Bat, there must have been one for issue 1 as well, the countdown comic TV ad i remember too.i wonder if they still exist?..anyway another one i must get while I'm filling gaps in my Thunder collection.

  2. I'd be quick about getting them if I were you as they seem to be fairly limited runs. I've seen ebay sellers asking for silly prices for the Rebellion Faceache book, which is now out of print (though there's a digital edition).

    The ads might exist on YouTube - the one for 2000 A.D. does.

  3. The 2000 AD one is the only one we've ever found, None of the others ever turn up on any of the AD compilations, there was a Dandy one shown, on an old Victor Lewis Smith comedy show Called 'ads Infinitum' was for the 'Dandy Thunderbang' he did a funny voice over for most of it, which was the point of the show, and it was usually pretty funny..Loads of old toy ones on youtube but no Beano Dandy Ect old comic ones, by that i mean 60's & 70's.

  4. I'd love to see the TV ads for the Power Comics, as well as Whizzer & Chips, etc. Also MWOM and SMCW. Maybe one day they'll show up somewhere.

  5. Yes they must be around somewhere even the Gery Anderson ads were all for the food based items, no toy ones..except for old Japanese Kit ones, which were great, i have all those, and hours & hours of other Vintage Ads & Continuity from the 60s & 70s..but no Comic ones..

  6. I wish someone would release a DVD of all the great ads from the '60s and '70s - for toys, sweets, comics, etc. Wouldn't that be great?

  7. That Would Be Fantastic, I guess in Pre Youtube Days it may have happened.

  8. YouTube quality isn't always that great though, so some digitally restored versions would surely be popular with most people from the '60s & '70s. Let's try and make it happen by the power of thought.

  9. Ha!..Yes If Only..i Grab most of my Ad collections from You Tube, and a few from Various Trades, Talking of Comic Ads i do vaguely remember the Ad for countdown issue 1, it had the UFO spinning through space (off Of UFO), i remember thinking how exciting that was, and couldn't wait to get the First Issue, i had the poster and all the Stamps on it on my Bedroom wall for a Few years.

  10. You can buy a disc on ebay that has all the Countdown and TV Action issues on it. Doesn't cost much either. I imagine it's 'unauthorised', but as the contributors wouldn't get a slice even if it were, it would do as a fill-in until authorised reprints are made available. It must've taken ages to scan each issue, so I hardly think the seller will make enough to cover his time, never mind the disc. Incidentally, #1 is on the blog somewhere, as is the first issue of TV Action (#59).

  11. Yes Kid, Seen those, i have to have originals, I'm not a fan of reading comics on my Laptop, i have to have them in my hands the feel & the smell is part of the experience, I'm currently completing what will be my 3rd, and last i imagine, collection of countdown..up to issue 58, My first was eventually thrown out by my mom, that was the last time she threw any of my Comics away, as a couple of years later i got into US Marvel (through The Brit Re-Prints)so there was no way those were going in the Bin! then around the late 90's i was offered £700.00 for all my Countdowns including Annuals & specials, so i sold them, I've always had around 4 or 5 copy's of Both Annuals anyway Including my Original copy of the first one from 71, a Xmas present from my aunt, which I've never sold.
    I do regret it, but its fun starting again, i need around 20 issues now, including the first with the looking forward to getting them all again, and reading them of course!

  12. I don't like reading digital comics either, but having a few discs means that I don't have to go digging out original issues when I want to feature them on the blog. Sometimes I have to mix the pages from a disc and my original comic because some disc pages may have writing on them, or some other damage. TV Action #59 on the blog is just such an amalgam.

    £700 sounds like a lot of dosh, RD, but it'll probably cost more than that to complete your set as Countdown #1 with poster could set you back quite a few pounds.

  13. The £700 was around 2004, so it was quiet a bit then, still is i guess, I'm expecting to get a first issue with the poster for around £60.00..I've seen it go for £40.00 without the poster, and also seen the poster for sale separately for around £20, but on E bay..who knows?, it can make a nonsense about comic prices & collecting sometimes, like my TV Tornado experience from a few years back.

  14. Yeah, ebay prices can be ridiculously high, as can some comics sites. Hope you get them for a decently low price.

  15. Cheers!..i have them on my E bay Alerts

  16. Let me know when you get 'em.

  17. When i saw Black Max from Thunder, my first thought was "What about Adam Eterno?"
    Scroll down a couple lines, and i see you're there waiting, too.

    Third World War i remember fondly; i grabbed everything that came out of Crisis. There's been a big stack in the blog pile since launch on that one, too. Never seem to get to it though. We'll see when the ol' peripatetic mind wanders over that way. Maybe having your name in there can prod it along.

  18. There's some people I know would be prodded away by my name in a comic, so hopefully it won't have the same effect on you, 3. Incidentally, the first Adam Eterno episode is on the blog somewhere. Tom Kerr artwork too.

  19. Since my name is in a few, i think i can manage to not hold it against you. Probably.

    Too late on the pointer. I already pulled out all the pre-Lion issues of Thunder to read through again. Already off in the direction of your previous pointer, eh? So if i wander off from the two or three topics already ongoing, it's your fault. (Think anyone will buy that?)

  20. What ones did you work on so that I can check if I have them in my collection? You're doing well if you have all 22 issues of Thunder - I only have 15 or 16, but I'll get the rest eventually. I've got all 3 Annuals though. (And people will buy anything. You should see what I buy on ebay.)

  21. Well, that's kind of sad. I had to go look at the bio page on my blog to answer your question. There's 4 graphic novels tucked in with the games. The Probability Broach, La Muse, A Drug War Carol, and Phoebus Krumm. All small press stuff. This was after things started breaking down upstairs, so light work load - mostly colours and some lettering. Pushed harder on the last one and did the 3D modeling & rendering for stellar sailing ships and things. It's sub-par work as it was becoming harder and harder to focus over the run of the book, and it's the last of my pro work. A bit of a drop off from the days when i was killing Kirk and blowing up the Enterprise, but at least i got to satisfy that old childhood itch a bit.

  22. Don't have any of those, but I've obviously heard of Star Trek, so you were in the 'big time' if you worked on anything to do with that. And I note that you have a Wikipedia entry. I want one too. Other letterers (even deceased ones) have them, so why not me?

  23. That was computer/video game days when i got to play with a lot of fun properties - Star Trek, The Lord Of The Rings, Wasteland, Neuromancer, and even some comic book stuff like RoboCop Vs. Terminator.

    But i had no clue that i had a wikipedia entry. IMDb, i knew - but that's because i use it as a yardstick to measure my sons' entries. (The younger one is kicking my ass)
    Hell - i figured you had one as a toy collector if nothing else.

    Somebody's slacking.

  24. Who knows, maybe it'll happen someday. It all depends who submits the entries, I suppose (or who vetoes them), 'cos there are quite a few non-entities in Wikipedia. Hell, I'm as much a non-entity as anybody, so I deserve a Wikipedia entry on that basis alone.


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