Sunday 12 January 2020



Above, another in the The CRIMINALLY INSANE run of TRUE BELIEVERS reprints, below, four in the ANNIHILATION series.  Not too happy with that MASTERS Of EVIL logo - wish they'd left in the original AVENGERS title and placed the 'sub-title' in smaller letters somewhere else, but at least the original un-retouched cover is reproduced inside at the back of the mag.  Some great covers on display here, but why is the SUPER-SKRULL cross-eyed?  I've already got all these stories, but I just can't resist these handsome re-presentations.  Rush out and buy them asap, if you haven't already.  


  1. Delighted to see the Nova issue- I was a real Nova fan in the late 80s when I discovered most of the second half of the series for ridiculously low prices in a second hand bookshop.

    Really looking forward to reading the Annihilus and Super-Adaptoid issues too- got my copies last week but not had time to read them yet.

  2. I've actually got the first dozen issues of Nova, DS, but I get a real thrill from acquiring these True Believer reprints and seeing the better reproduction (usually) of the internal stories. Thing is, if Marvel to a facsimile edition of #1, I'll buy that as well. Crazy, eh? I'm currently working my way through the recent TBs and really enjoying reliving the past.


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