Tuesday 28 January 2020



Copyright MARVEL COMICS.  Published by PANINI

More Mighty Marvel action than you can shake a stick at!  Earth is invaded by the armies of the Norse realms, but the Avengers have unexpected allies: The Squadron Supreme of America!  By Jason Aaron & Ed McGuinness!

Also: FREE AVENGERS POSTER!  Now you can cover that damp patch on your wall without having to redecorate the whole room.  No, don't thank us, it's what we're here for.

Featuring material first printed in Avengers #18-19.

On sale Now!



76 pages of Marvel’s toughest heroes!  Three great stories!  ‘The Long Night’ reaches an explosive finale as the dark truth behind the Alaskan murders is revealed! By Benjamin Percy & Marico Takara!

Plus: Gabby and her new 'sister' race into action – but will they be in time to save X-23?  By Mariko Tamaki & Diego Olortegui!

Also: ‘Night of the Living Deadpool’ reaches a bone-chilling climax!  By Cullen Bunn & Ramon Rosanas!

Featuring material first printed in Wolverine: The Long Night #5, X-23 #9-10, and Night of the Living Deadpool #4.

On sale Now!


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