Friday 27 December 2019



I saw the above book on RIP JAGGER'S DOJO, so bought one for myself as soon as I could track down a copy.  It's a recent reprint of MARVEL's two 1968 The SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN magazines, though it's of the same comicbook dimensions as the EPIC COLLECTION volumes, not the larger size format of the original periodicals.  Marvel reprinted a full-sized facsimile edition of the first ish back in 2002, but unfortunately, it was mostly re-lettered with a computer font and done so pretty badly.  Never fear, this one has the original lettering.

This new edition also contains original house ads for the mags, cover art, and a few other bonuses, so if you weren't around back in the '60s, now you can catch up on what you missed.  See if your local comicbook store stocks this handsome publication, and if not, you'll find it on eBay (which is where I got my copy).  Go on, treat yourself to a late Christmas gift and spend that money or voucher your wife gave you because she doesn't love you enough to spend any time choosing an actual present for you!  (Hey, you know you were thinking it.)

Front cover to the 2002 facsimile edition of #1

Back cover to the 2002 facsimile edition of #1

Original 1968 mag.  Back cover was unrelated ad


  1. I have the 2002 reprint of this book (and I also have it somewhere in my Marvel collection) I thought it was a strange story with patchy art ( considering the talent) but I love the format.

  2. I think I've got both stories in my Masterworks collection (definitely got the first one), but it's nice to have them in one handy volume, McS. The first story was probably scanned from a published copy of the mag, which is perhaps why the art is 'patchy', as the black and white with grey tones came out a little muddy in places

  3. Wasn't that also the cover of the UK Spidey annual for 1975 or 76?

  4. It certainly looks awfully like it, CJ, though Spidey was rendered in ink lines on the Annual, not paint, so it seems to be an amended version. It was the '76 Annual, which came out in '75.


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