Monday 30 December 2019


To be honest, I think only the first of DANIEL CRAIG's four BOND movies so far was any good.  Sure, the other three had good bits in them, but overall I found them disappointing.  The trailer for Craig's next (and possibly last) outing as 007 looks exciting, but let's hope the film itself lives up to it.  Take a look and see what you think.  If it does turn out to be his final fling, let's hope he gets to go out on a high.


  1. Oh, screw Bond. It's the final day of this decade, Kid, so it's the perfect opportunity for a post musing on the passing of time as we reach yet another collective milestone on our journey through this vale of tears. Surely you've prepared such a post?

  2. No. Maybe, in the best tradition of Blue Peter, I'll post one I made earlier. Maybe.

  3. I agree with CJ .screw Bond...Im sick of the sight of all of him. Same as Star Wars ..enough.... Time for another Grumpy Old Men movie

  4. They'll need new actors for that, LH. Matthau and Lemon are both deceased.


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