Monday 9 December 2019


Crivens is back!  No doubt a few of my critics will think I was disconnected from the Internet for not paying the bill, but such is not the case.  No, I changed providers, but because I had two 'phone lines in my house, it led to problems.  I changed one number to one provider, emphasizing that it was only one number I was switching to them because I was going to move the other number to a different provider, but they misunderstood and cancelled the second number - the one with Broadband.

What's more, the number that was cancelled is one that's been in the family for 59 years, which I took over around 27 years ago.  The new provider is currently working to restore it to me, but they sent me a mini-hub on temporary loan so that I have Internet access until I get my number back, which should be, touch wood (taps head), around a week at the most.

The photo above?  Just grabbed the first one I saw in my files to save time looking for something more relevant.  (Don't worry, it's one I took myself.)  This is an eaterie in the Old Village area of a Scottish New Town, and when this burger place was being fitted and the old sign from the previous traders was removed, the original CO-OP hand-painted sign from at least the '50s or '60s was revealed.  I guess they've decided just to leave it as it is.  (History, innit?)  Funnily enough, there are only about four (maybe five) shops in this row, and the one on the other end is - The Co-Op.

Anyway, hopefully things are now back to normal around here (barring any unforeseen occurrences), so I'll see you all in the next post.


  1. Welcome back - I was concerned I might be facing Christmas without Crivens which would be unthinkable :D

    Why did you change providers? I'm sticking with BT as they haven't failed me yet.

  2. I was with BT originally, CJ, but changed to another provider a few years back because they were cheaper. Since then, I've changed providers at least another two times, but am now back with BT. I just hope they can restore my original family number after mistakenly cancelling it.


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