Wednesday 25 December 2019



L. MILLER's series of reprint comics were almost indistinguishable from those of ALAN CLASS, who bought the former's inventory of asbestos printing plates (in 1963 or '66 according to WIKIPEDIA, which seems unable to make up its mind on an exact date), the similarity of format facilitating a seamless continuation from one company's product to the other, at least as far as content goes.

Curiously, the asking prices for these comics seems a little on the high side in dealers' circles, considering that they're mere reprints and the printing quality is hardly first rate.  In some instances, it's probably possible to obtain the original MARVEL comic for the same cost, perhaps even cheaper.  Though I suppose if you had one of these mags as a kid, then that's the one you'd be prepared to fork out for if you really wanted to own it again.

However, that's enough boring waffle from me, so let's get straight to the pretty piccies.  Got a favourite?  Then shout it from the rooftops - though, failing that, you could tell your fellow Crivs in the comments section.  

Adult comic?  Must be referring to the pre-code backup tales

This is actually the cover of The CRIMSON DYNAMO's debut, not Mr. DOLL's,
which must be the interior story.  Don't know why the correct cover wasn't used

So, does IRON MAN battle The MELTER and many other villains, or are there many other tales
inside along with that particular IM story?  The latter, but it's a tad ambiguous, don'tcha think?

 At least they got the colours of GIANT-MAN & The WASP's costumes correct,
if not the other three.  And IRON MAN looks like he's wearing only one glove


  1. I love the Melter's costume there: spectacularly horrible but somehow just right for a comic of the era.

  2. I remember first reading that tale in an issue (or two) of Fantastic back in 1967. However, the stories were reprinted out of sequence, so (talking of costumes) Iron Man's old costume was altered to his new one (and in some cases substituted with drawings from later stories). It didn't really work.


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