Friday 20 December 2019



Behold - MARVEL SUPER-HEROES #18 - the first appearance of GUARDIANS Of The GALAXY.  When I originally purchased this comic as a back issue more years ago that I care (or am able) to remember (sometime around the mid-'90s I think, though it could've been the late '80s), chances are I thought it was the mag I'd originally owned in 1975.  I no longer recall if I bought it a comic mart, mail order, or in a back issue shop, but when I saw it, I recognised the cover and snapped it up to add to my collection.  It wasn't all that long ago I learned that the main story had been reprinted (minus 4 pages) in ASTONISHING TALES #29, and I realised that must've been the comic I had, not the original presentation.

So, anyway, now I've got both, and I thought you might appreciate seeing the covers of both versions together.  Hard for me to believe that the latter mag is now 44 years old and that I was a mere teenager when I obtained my original copy.  Oddly, considering that it's an abridged version with 4 pages omitted, some sellers ask quite a high price for it.  I got it for a relative song, and really only wanted it out of nostalgia for the original one I had back in '75, so I'd never have paid an exorbitant figure to acquire it anyway.  If it's one you'd like to own, I'd suggest you either look for an inexpensive, VG copy of MSH #18 (which, in better condition, can also be costly, but at least the story is complete), or buy the collected edition volume from around two or three years ago.

Or, if you're lucky, maybe Marvel will publish a facsimile edition in the very near future.  I'd certainly buy it again, 'cos I'm a sucker for those babies.  Anyway, enjoy comparing the two cover images side-by-side and feel free to leave a comment if you'd like to.


  1. Well done on getting both Kid. I came to Guardians very late in life. In fact the first film! Shameful. Anyway, just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and fine 2020 and a well done on keeping Crivens going. Thanks for all your support on Moonbase over the year. Bloggin's not as easy as it looks is it. I'm still unwell so I'm not active on the blog much at the mo. So, very best Wishes, Woodsy

  2. Thanks, Woodsy. Hope you're feeling better soon and I'll wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year now, though I'll repeat those seasonal sentiments on your blog in a few days. No, blogging isn't as easy as it might look, true enough. That's why comments of appreciation like yours are always welcome.

  3. Happy New Year! Have just (re) discovered this blog via a link to a post from 2014! Glad to see it is still thriving. Just scrolling back through and came across this item oñ one if my all time favourite comics (and comic titles, MSH, which also introduced Captain Marvel). This was one I bought when it came out.... and repurchased many years later online). Also have the reprint but had forgotten there were missing pages... for shame! All the best!

  4. Happy New Year to you, too, MOD, hope you had a good Christmas. I'd forgotten about the reprint's missing pages until I got my hands on it again. Having it once more somehow makes that time in my past seem a little bit closer. Cheers.


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