Sunday 3 November 2019


Apparently, all but three episodes of LIFT OFF With AYSHEA were accidentally destroyed during a digital transfer (or something along those lines), which means her later puppet co-stars, OLLIE BEAK and FRED BARKER (no relation to RONNIE or CARNIVAL) now mainly survive only in publicity stills.  (A home recording has subsequently been discovered of the episode featuring DAVID BOWIE's first TV appearance as ZIGGY STARDUST.)  Her show ran from 1969 to 1974, and if you were a kid at the time, Ayshea is bound to have featured heavily in your youthful fantasies.  (She reminds me slightly of IMOGEN HASSALL, another Babe.) 


  1. AYSHEA BROUGH...My God...I remember her from watching UFO. How long has it been since I was reminded of, what I can only call ...with a slightly apologetic nod to our current multi-cultural society, my first asian crush. What can I say ---I was young and she was beautiful.

  2. AYSHEA BROUGH...My God...I remember her from watching UFO. How long has it been since I was reminded of, what I can only call ...with a slightly apologetic nod to our current multi-cultural society, my first asian crush. What can I say - I was young and she was beautiful.

  3. AYSHEA BROUGH...My God...I remember her from watching UFO. How long has it been since I was reminded of, what I can only call ...with a slightly apologetic nod to our current multi-cultural society, my first asian crush. What can I say - I was young and she was beautiful.

  4. As you went to such pains to submit your comment, G, I thought it only fair to publish all three of them. They testify to your devotion to Ayshea.

  5. I am warning you, Kid!
    Keep away from my girl!

  6. You're married, JP. Ayshea is MINE!


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