Monday 4 November 2019



Who in hell is JONAS CLARKE you ask?  Why, none other than JANUS STARK, escapologist extraordinaire, who made his dynamic debut in the first issue of the revamped SMASH! in 1969, and later escaped to VALIANT when the latter consumed the former in 1971.  You'll be glad to hear that Janus (must be hard, going through life with 'anus' as part of your name) is returning in a 48 page reprint collection available only through the 2000 A.D. and TREASURY Of BRITISH COMICS webshop, and can be pre-ordered from the 4th of this month (today) for availability from the 27th.

Hoorah!  Below is the first page from his very first adventure, followed by the cover of the issue he first appeared in.  (Three firsts in the one sentence - who else gives you so many firsts in a blog post?  And there's another two!)

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