Friday 22 November 2019


Copyright DC COMICS

Just arrived at Castel Crivens - LOOT CRATE's 2017 facsimile edition of The BRAVE And The BOLD #28, The JUSTICE LEAGUE Of AMERICA's first appearance.  Looking at the cover, it's easy to believe that it could be the original, but though the story pages inside are as clear as a bell ('cos DC have reprinted the tale a number of times from top-quality sources), the ad pages, etc., which have never been reprinted before, are scanned from an actual published edition of the 1959 comic.

Looks great though, eh?  And the good thing about it is that the interiors are printed on newsprint paper, not that shiny stuff that MARVEL use.  Coming up next - Loot Crate's facsimile edition of the one that started it all.  Don't miss it!

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