Monday 11 November 2019


Copyright relevant owner

One of the annoying things for collectors is when they buy a comic that's been advertised as complete only to find that it isn't.  Such can sometimes be the case with MONSTER FUN COMIC, as it's supposed to contain a BADTIME BEDTIME STORYBOOK pullout, which can be missing from within.  It's not always the seller's fault, because unless they're familiar with the comic, it appears to be all there as the middle pages are a centre-spread strip, and the pullout's absence isn't obvious.

I bought a copy without the pullout (though I no longer recall if I knew that when I purchased it), but luckily the late, great TERRY BAVE gave me his own copy with the Storybook intact.  So if you have this comic and the LEO BAXENDALE pullout has been, er... pulled out, then this is your lucky day.  I have several facsimiles to give away for absolutely nothing.  If you'd like one, just leave your name and address in the comments section and I'll send you one entirely free and at my own expense.

This blog has comment moderation - your details won't be published or passed on to any other parties, so no junk mail will be arriving through your letterbox.  Once I've addressed the envelope, your data will be deleted forever, so don't worry - it's a completely safe offer with no hidden hiccups or handicaps.  Complete your copy of Monster Fun Comic #1 today!  See below for what you'll receive - a nicely printed and stapled, A5 sized facsimile.  Supplies are limited so don't delay.  (Update: Now gone.)


  1. I'll have one please, Kid...I love those books! If only Rebellion would reprint these (with colour pages where appropriate) and Scream Inn...

  2. You'll need to give me your address again, HS. I think Rebellion will eventually get around to reprinting them, and Scream Inn as well.

  3. Christopher Nevell11 November 2019 at 16:33

    These were great supplements and I hope Rebellion collect them as a volume at some point in the future.

  4. So do I, CN. Perhaps this post will revive interest in them, eh? They'd be best reproduced original printed size though, 'cos they'd look a bit bare if they were enlarged.

  5. Christopher Nevell11 November 2019 at 18:01

    I haven’t seen it but they’ve done Steel Commando as a digest so the precedent is there...

  6. Yeah, which is odd, as it really deserves to be seen normal size. That's why I'm worried that they may go 'topsy-turvy' and do what should be a digest-size comic in a larger format. I looked at DCT's Starblazer book, and it doesn't look right not being digest-size.

  7. I put the Steel Commando volume back on the shelf 'cos the reduced page size made the text too small for my liking (my eyes are fine, but I need longer arms!)...but these treasures would work fine at same-size in a digest format...even a landscape format book with 2 original pages per page might work. Anyway, thanks for my facsimile copy - a nice stroll down memory lane...

  8. Crikey, that was quick. I didn't post it 'til around 5 in the evening. Glad you liked it. No one else has shown any interest, which surprises me. Surely there are comic fans who need it to complete their MFs?

  9. I dunno...perhaps the idea of something free and altruistic in this day and age didn't compute? Personally, I didn't request a copy to complete my No.1 (my earliest is ish 7) - I simply love the artist and material so much that saying 'Yes please!' was a no-brainer! Please don't let the lack of response so far put you off of making similar offers in future ...anyone with a sense of humour would love this facsimile!

  10. Perhaps people think I'm going to sell on their addresses to marketing firms or something like that, but no - it's only to let me know where to send the facsimile and then it gets wiped. Ach, well - you can lead a horse to water, but you can't give it a free drink it seems.

  11. I've read the comic twice and it's just occurred to me that there's no Leonard Rottingsocks - any idea when he first appeared as a kind of EC host? Also I dug out some of my later issues and the text in those is noticeably smaller. Did you tweak the text in the facsimile or did the lettering get tinier as the issues progressed? I realise this query is only of interest to Monster Fun fans with failing eyesight/short arms...

  12. Scanned and printed exactly as it was, HS, with some minor clean-ups as far as blotches go, but never touched the text. Dunno when Leonard Rottingsocks first appeared - probably knew at some point, but long since forgotten. I think Boots sell a powder for arm-growing, so I'd give that a try.


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