Saturday 16 November 2019


Copyright relevant owner

Take a look at the page above.  I was clearing out some old mags the other day, LOADED #50 among them, and saw this page while I was looking through it to see if there was anything worth keeping.  It's the last episode of a strip called MEXICO 70, of which I was the letterer.  (I ripped it out to keep before disposing of the rest of the mag.  I'm sure I've got the other parts somewhere.)

I worked on a couple of strips for Loaded, and the editor insisted on paying me £50 per page, which was a great little number for a while.  Basically, it amounted to £100 per hour - if it even took me that long to do them.  Ah, those were the days. When I first started lettering, I wasn't quite satisfied with the result, but by the time this strip came about, I'd developed a style that I was very pleased with.

Anyone remember this strip from Loaded?  Then reminisce in the comments section to your heart's content, why don'tcha?


(When I first wrote this post, I said that I was paid £30 per page, but actually it was £50, so I've amended the text.  I knew I got paid more than my usual £20 for 2000 A.D., but I'd forgotten the precise amount until I re-read the post I did about first approaching the mag with some samples of my work.  So I was doing even better than I remembered.)

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