Wednesday 13 November 2019


Back on October 23rd I told you about the STRATO balsa-wood glider I purchased on eBay, and I said I'd add a photo of it when it arrived.  It arrived around ten days ago, but unfortunately the red plastic clip was missing and there was a split in one of the wings.  I got a full refund, but even before that, I'd spotted a trio of the same glider being sold as one lot and promptly bought 'em.  They arrived today and have never been opened, but I carefully opened one and assembled it so that I could show all you pantin' Crivs just what sort of thing your genial host wastes his money on.  (In case you didn't already know.)

In the last few years, the more items I re-acquire from my past, the more I feel that my old 'pals' are congregating around me just to say goodbye before I fall off the twig.  It's my own fault of course, because I go looking for them, they don't come looking for me, but hopefully I've got a lot more mileage on the clock to enjoy our 'reunion' before I have to say goodbye to them at the end of my journey.  My only excuse for indulging my compulsion to surround myself with items from my childhood is that I enjoy 'the warm familiarity of their presence', and that's really the only excuse I need.  Can you think of a better one?

Anyway, the photo above displays a simple toy from a more innocent era, a toy which could occupy and enthral kids for hours on end without them feeling the need to go out and vandalise something just for the perverse joy of it.  If only kids of today were so easily entertained as we of a certain age once were, eh?  Life would be so much better.  Perhaps you think I'm too jaded and cynical?  Feel free to say so (and why) in the comments section.

But first, take a good look at that glider - brilliant, innit?


  1. I used to love playing with a balsa-wood plane as a kid especially the ones with the elastic band wind up propellers As you sagmy it was a simpler time with toys like these and plastic rockets with caps, Airfix soldiers and models,Natchbox cars, Lucky Bags, Timpo soldiers etc etc.Always nice to re sit those toys

  2. I'll have to set my sights on the one with the propeller and red wheels next, as I remember having one of those as well as a kid, McS. (There's a photo of it on the October 23rd post.) I'm now fighting the temptation to take my new glider back to my old neighbourhood, just to try it out where I first launched one into the sky. I'm going to get arrested for odd behaviour one of these days, I really am. Talking of Timpo, I don't think I've shown my Timpo Captain Scarlet on the blog before (or have I?), so I'll maybe post that in the next few days.

  3. Can we try flying in next week?


  4. Can't - my Superman suit's in the wash.


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