Thursday 31 October 2019



Well, it's Hallowe'en tonight, and my intention to publish the Chips section of WHIZZER & CHIPS #3 will have to take a back seat as I've not had time to scan it on account of a doctor's appointment I had earlier today, which left me puggled out.  Fear not, I'll try and have them on show for Guy Fawkes night, which the comic was themed after anyway, even though it went on sale around October 25th.

Instead, I've decided to show you a cover from SCREAM!, which even though it's dated May, fits right in with the Hallowe'en mood.  Right, all the neighbourhood kids should have sack loads of fruit, nuts, and sweets by now, so I'm just going to get into my FRANKENSTEIN costume and go out and rob them.  Why not just do it as myself?  Well, I don't want to scare them that much.


  1. Thanks for a great cover to mark the day! I never had much time for Robin Smith's strip work but this is a very nice wraparound...
    I hope you had a quiet Halloween (drawbridge up at Robson Towers) and that you're feeling better now after the visit to the doc's?
    Last night I watched the Charlie Brown 1966 Halloween special and Trick 'r Treat, a great little horror from a few years back that is possibly the most Autumnal movie ever made?!

  2. Robin Smith - now there's a name from the past. He could be quite a cheeky buggah at times, but time has softened my opinion of him - a bit. I think he's a better inker on other people's work than he is a penciller, but the last thing I saw that he'd drawn was an improvement on his earlier art, though still curiously overworked.

    Thankfully, no one came near Castel Robsono last night, which means I still have a vat of boiling oil (now cooled) for next year. The visit to the doc's was a shock as he told me I only had 9 to live. I said "9 what? Years, months, weeks?" He looked at his watch and said "8, 7, 6, 5..." Thankfully he was wrong or you wouldn't be reading this.

    I've never seen that Charlie Brown special, but I've heard good things about it. Maybe one day.

  3. No trick-or-treaters came to my house either (after I spent all that money on a water-cannon).

    Kid, get thee to YouTube and watch yon Charlie Brown Halloween special TODAY.

  4. You mean Hallowe'eners, Guisers, annoying brats. Anything but the American version. Wait 'til I pay you a visit, CJ - you can use your water-cannon then. Can't watch YouTube today, things to do, places to be, people to see. The life of a celebrity like me is always a busy one.


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