Wednesday 16 October 2019


Oh, SYBIL... you are awful - but I like you!
That's a nice little something she's almost wearing,
eh, Crivvies?  More Sybil coming up soon!


  1. Gorgeous Sybil
    Makes me dribble
    What're me chances
    Of a nibble?

  2. Sybil says "Just sod off Steve,
    guys like you are my pet peeve.
    Kid's the man who rings my bell,
    and he doesn't kiss and tell."

  3. Aw, you ain't told her about my dream with her and my caber? I had it again last night...there she was teetering atop it, yelling "Och nae Stevie, I'll no let ye toss me off!". "Why're you talking like that, Syb? ", I ejaculated, "You played Stirba, werewolf bitch, not Supergran!". She said that Bill Forsyth's finally making the McTickles movie and she's off to audition. She yelled something about "Up yer kilt!" and I woke up. No more porridge oats for supper for me!

  4. She picked up her Scottish accent from me, HS. Interesting that she has it even in your dreams though. That's your subconscious telling you that she's mine.


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