Thursday 5 September 2019


Copyright relevant owner

Y'know, for all the problems that eBay sometimes inflicts on us, there are still a good few bargains to be had from time-to-time.  I bought six of these nine VALIANT Summer Specials from the same seller for less than the price another seller is asking for only one of them at the moment.  I already have two of the issues, but one is in better condition than my other copy, so I'm a very happy chappie as that's the one I was really wanting.  (The 1971 Valiant & SMASH! Summer Special, in case you were wondering.  Currently on eBay at an asking price of £79.99 - with a piece of the cover missing.)

I was surprised to see that the very first Valiant Summer Special was a cardboard covered, square-bound book, similar (but larger) than the VULCAN Annual for 1977.  I wonder if this is the only time that a Summer (or Holiday) Special has been issued in that format?  It has 80 pages, not counting the covers, and is quite a nifty little publication.  I see one seller is currently asking for £75 for this Special - I wonder if he'll ever get it?  Valiant weekly first came out in 1962, so I'm also surprised that it took four years for a Summer Special to be issued.  Why did it take so long I wonder?  Anyone know? 

So if you're looking for a particular comic, don't despair at the sky-high prices some sellers are asking for.  Take solace from the thought that, when you least expect it, it'll pop up on eBay at a bargain price you can afford.  And while you're waiting for that much-sought after item on your wish-list to come along, enjoy looking at the covers of these bombastic little beauties.  But remember - they're mine!  Incidentally, if you ask me really nicely, I may post some of the contents in the not too distant future.  Is that something you'd like to see?  Then say so in the comments section, effendis.

(The issues shown here are from 1966, '67, '68, '69, '70, '71, '72, '74, and '75.)


  1. I just love those Mike Western covers - the dynamic movement in his work and the colours really grab you. What boy could resist one of those sitting pristine on a newsagent's shelves?
    As for the delay in their putting a special out, did IPC put out any specials for other titles before that date? Maybe they were waiting to see how Thomson's ones fared for a few years before committing themselves?

  2. That's what I was wondering, HS. Maybe it was the first Special they'd done, but I don't know.

    Yeah, Mike Western was a great artist - his style really stood out.

  3. I would love to get some of these but simply wouldn't even consider paying that amount for a comic. I used to have the Wild Wonders special and next the two under that. Nice collection to have though.

  4. I'm sure if you won 50 squillion quid on the Lottery, PM, the cost would mean nothing to you. I bought these six for less than the price of two fish suppers (in one of the cheaper chippies) per mag, so it was a great bargain. The Valiant & Smash! one is my favourite, not so much for the contents (which are average), but because I had it as a kid.

  5. I absolutely had those Valiant and Smash comics! I would get those as reprint collections . Just saying if anyone is listening .

  6. Some of the material is bound to be reprinted by Rebellion, the current copyright owners, PS. Couldn't guess when though.


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