Sunday 1 September 2019


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This is a book I meant to recommend when it first came out (in 2017), as I'd done with the two previous volumes, but somehow I just never got around to it.  So, simply for the sake of completion, here's a plug for IDW's third volume of reprints of UK STAR TREK strips that appeared in various comic weeklies and annuals from 1972 to '79.  There's a few bonuses and also a cover gallery, including the first combined VALIANT & TV21 comic that I showed in part two of this series.

(Incidentally, I trust you'll overlook the ripples from the protective sleeve on the cover, but I don't want to risk damaging the dustjacket by trying to remove it.)

Anyway, if you don't have these three volumes in your collection, you really should consider acquiring them.  The quality of reproduction is first class, and IDW could teach DC a thing or two about reproducing ads for their facsimile editions.


  1. I can't believe Vol. 3 is out and I still haven't bought Vol. 1 yet. I had to check your archives for when that first one came out and can't further believe it was 2016: it seems I read that blog only last year at the latest and thought, right, got to check that one out.

    Did you ever take a look at the Gold Key Treks? I saw some mention of them in the comments on that first IDW UK-Trek reprint post. I'll second the rec for the softcover annuals. Those and the Trek Storybook Records from the 70s are a whole weird slice of alterna-verse Trek.

    These look absolutely great, though. Can't wait to check them out.

  2. I got the 'sampler' IDW comic of the Gold Key Star Trek stuff (did a post on it), but didn't buy any of the books. Might do one day, but at the moment, it's a case of not enough room, not enough time, not enough money. Roll on that Lottery win, and the discovery of the secret of immortality.


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