Friday 27 September 2019


What I want to know is why
lovely LYNDA CARTER has never
been a 'BOND GIRL'.  She surely has
all the requisite qualifications and then
some.  It  can truthfully be said - the
 woman is a (wait for it) wonder!


  1. Lovely seventies crumpet Lynda
    Sizzles like a red-hot cinder
    Restraining orders didn't hinder
    So now she locks her bedroom winder!

  2. So Hackney Steve is now in jail
    For he's a predatory male.
    Through Lynda's winder he did perv
    But she just didn't like his nerve.

    Called the cops, got him arrested
    Of his freedom was divested.
    And now he shares a small square cell
    With big and hairy 'Isabelle'.

  3. As a general rule Bond Girls were NOT famous when they became Bond Girls. Most Bond girls had supporting roles and it was cheaper that way. It was also usually their first big screen appearance. Of course, Diana Rigg and Hallee Berry were stars of the movie, but when most others appeared in smaller roles they were not stars. An exception would be Lois Lane, better known as Terri Hatcher.

    Lynda Carter was cast in Apocalypse Now and was supposed to be one of the Playmates that appeared in the movie. However, when Martin Sheen had a heart attack they stopped filming for a few months. When they began again and she was called back, she was already cast in Wonder Woman and could not return.

    Ursula Andress, ,Daniela Bianchi,Shirley Eaton, Catherine Schell, Jill St. John, Lana Wood, Jane Seymour, Britt Ekland, Maud Adams, Barbara Bach, Lois Chiles, Kristina Wayborn, Tanya Roberts, Grace Jones, Maryam d'Abo, Carey Lowell, Famke Janssen, Michelle Yeoh, Denise Richards, Sophie Marceau, Rosamund Pike, Eva Green, were all Bond girls but not terrible famous when they became one. (And Maud Adams was a Bond girl twice!!)

    Can you name the other woman who was in two Bond films (not Moneypenny, but a bond girl?)

  4. There were two, BP - Eunice Gayson (Dr. No and FRWL) and Martine Beswick (FRWL and Thunderball). As you say, Diana Rigg, Teri Hatcher, and Halle Berry were famous (as was Caroline Munro to a degree, in a cult kind of way), but it was with that in mind I suggested that Lynda would be ideal. After Wonder Woman, there would have been nothing to stop her from being a great Bond girl. I can easily see her playing Barbara Bach's part in The Spy Who Loved Me (if she could've done the accent).

    Of course, she was still doing Wonder Woman then, but I'm just thinking of the parts she'd have been good at. Lois Chiles' role in Moonraker would've been another one she'd have done well.

  5. Honor Blackman and Diana Rigg had each co-starred in The Avengers, so I would assume they had a fan following as TV stars, although neither was a major movie star.

    Similarly, Jill St. John was reasonably popular in the US as a TV actress, but not as a big film star. Among other things, she had been in the pilot episode for the Batman TV series.

    If you count the 1967 version of Casino Royale, Ursula Andress was in two Bond movies

  6. Apologies, TC, but I had to cut and paste your comment to keep it in proper sequence as you must've submitted it while I was editing my two responses to BP into one.

    Yes, I meant to mention Honor Blackman then forgot to, but she was certainly famous in Britain. Some of the other actresses weren't total unknowns - at least not in their own countries, but Bond gave them an international fame, if only for a time.

    I don't think anyone counts the 1967 Casino Royale movie, do they? Not as a proper Bond movie anyway. It was a complete pile of pish.

  7. A trumped-up charge m'lud, I said
    I couldn't even see her bed
    Let alone her naked skin
    That's why I had to clamber in
    Lynda's winder had no blind
    No Wonder she attracts my kind
    I merely sought to plight my troth
    But now it's curtains for us both!

  8. E'gad, ye cad, the judge expressed,
    You put my patience to the test.
    The sainted Lynda should be spared
    From pervs like you who have so dared
    To try and spy on her bare skin
    By raising sash and breaking in.
    Besides, it really stokes my ire
    To see someone match my desire
    For lovely Lynda, fair of face
    And brimming with such winning grace.
    I tell you, sir, it will not do,
    'Tis me her heart beats for, not you!
    You did a crime that no man oughter
    So you'll do time on bread and water.
    Six months for you with no parole,
    (Best be prepared to guard your hole.)
    And if I see you here again,
    You'll fetch yourself a stretch of ten!

  9. Fie on you, Kid!

    Casino 1967 is triffic.

  10. One of the Bond girls had had a sex change and was born male, but I can't recall her name.

  11. 'Twas 'Tulah' - in For Your Eyes Only. She appeared only in the background in a poolside scene, and some publicity shots with Roger and the 'real' Bond girls.

  12. Oh, what I wouldn't give to watch my favorite Bond movie with Lynda Carter in the Lois Chiles role. On some level of the Tower, that had to happen.

    Not just a Babe of the Day, but some poetry for my morning reading to boot.

  13. I aim to please, BMc, so I'm glad you're happy. As for Lynda, in the words of the old song, she's poetry in motion.

  14. Kid, if you're interested Radio 4-Extra is celebrating the 60th anniversary of The Twilight Zone - tonight (Saturday) from 7pm-10pm. I'll be listening!

  15. Ta for that, CJ, but I can't seem to get Radio 4 Extra on my radio anymore. I could access it on iplayer I suppose.

  16. Forget him Jeri....Dont get upset...Hes a lounge lizard..Chews em up and spit em out ..heh heh...We will keep each other warm as these cold months near.

  17. Jeri, what are you doing out of bed? You'll catch your death of cold. Come and warm yourself up between me and Lynda. (Salma, you budge up a bit.)


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