Friday 23 August 2019



Another Mighty AVENGERS splash page this time around, effendis, making it two in a row - but when they're this good, and drawn by JACK KIRBY, who's gonna complain?  (Eh, what's that?  You are, Melvin?  Well, in that case, kindly leave the room.)  I first saw this page in TERRIFIC #1 back in 1967, and even though it was in b&w, it still looked great.

Of course, it still has a little of Jack's 'idiosyncratic' inconsistencies when it comes to composition (for example, RICK JONES seems to have short legs with no feet), but it remains a striking image.  What do the rest of you Criv-ites think?  (Someone tell Melvin he can come back in now.)

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