Thursday 1 August 2019


Copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

The latest volume in the Oor WULLIE & The BROONS series of books is now in shops, and unusually for me, I bought mine for a tenner from The WORKS.  (The full price should be £12.99, but even the DCT shop is selling them at a reduced price of £10.99.)  I say 'unusually' because I normally wait 'til nearer Christmas when they're going for a song, but I nearly couldn't get one last year so took the plunge today just to be sure.

The strips are reproduced better than the last couple of books, where it was obvious that they'd just been scanned from old and aged SUNDAY POST FUN SECTION pages, with no attempt at cleaning them up a bit.  Thankfully, they're nice and clean and bright this time around.

If you're a fan of either of these two Scottish icons, then you'll be sure to want to add this book to your collection.  Rush out and buy one right away!


  1. I googled The Broons and Oor Wullie and they first appeared in 1936 and 1937 respectively. My Glaswegian father was born in 1927 but I never heard him mention either of these "Scottish icons". Perhaps he was reading the wrong paper :D

  2. Perhaps - or maybe he just wasn't into comic strips, CJ. However, when it comes to fathers, they're probably not the best measure by which to judge the iconic status of anything. And remember - Wullie and The Broons would't have been regarded as 'iconic' when your dad was a boy. That took time.


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