Saturday 10 August 2019


I guess it must have been 1966 or '67 and getting very near to Christmas.  At one time, looking back ages later, I thought it was 1968, because I associated the time and the toy with a comic and a cafeteria, but I'm sure I had it for longer than the latter date would allow, so I could be combining two separate but similar occasions in my memory.  What the heck am I gibbering on about?  Santa and his Space Blimp, pictured above, which my mother bought for me from WOOLWORTH'S one dark evening in the '60s.  The way I remembered it for years (years after the event it has to be said) is that I had a copy of SMASH! with me at the time, and then we retired to The NORFOLK Restaurant - which was a restaurant in name only as it was actually a cafeteria.  In one hand, I had my new Santa toy, and on the table lay my copy of Smash!, in which The SPECTRE (not the DC COMICS version) dodged bullets in a shooting gallery.

Well, as I said, that's the way I used to remember it, but thinking back, '68 seems too late - I'm sure I had the toy before that.  And, without checking, I'm not sure whether that particular instalment of The Spectre was published in a December issue.  So, again, as I said, perhaps two separate events that have rolled together into one over the passing of the years - an impression more than a memory in fact.  Not that it's important to anyone but myself.  What is important is that I loved that Santa toy, and owned Santa and the reindeer head up until 1972 or '73 (the 'blimp' itself met a premature end), before I cruelly dispensed with them (and other childhood possessions) in an attempt to be more 'grown up'.  I was a fool and have regretted it ever since.  In fact, it's probably that event that laid the seeds for me being receptive to the idea of tracking down the things of my youth, of fanning the collecting spark into a flame when the opportunity presented itself a decade later.

I want this toy more than I want to marry SALMA HAYEK (when she's divorced from her present husband of course).  In this toy lies a portion of my childhood that I want back, and that's more important than an awesomely alluring sex goddess any day of the week (except Fridays).  Do you own this toy or know where I can get it?  If so, let me know at once and filthy lucre could be yours for the asking.  Don't let me down.

(Update: Now got one.)


  1. Still looking for one of these Kid. I haven't found the toy but this old auction appears to have a different windowless box for it. have a look, top right on the pile of toys.

    I'm also seeing the front reindeer's head on other Hong Kong toys too! and from Moonbase 10 years ago

  2. That sounds interesting so I'm off to have a look. Thanks for the links, Woodsy.

  3. I think it was the window box version I had, but I'm not 100% sure after 50-odd years. That reindeer head on the other Santa toy doesn't look the same as the Blimp one though. I've got that Santa on the bike (the one with the revolving legs) - there's a pic of it on the blog somewhere. Thanks again.

  4. doh. of course it isn't. my mistake! that reindeer connection was actually for me. i got mixed up. I was googling at midnight and half asleep! I've been looking for connections between JR21 and Elmar santa toys. The two reindeer heads are similar but not the same. The Santa on the Scooter is a JR21 toy with the JR diamond on the base. Here's one on Moonbase I adore these JR novelty toys. Wrote a book on 'em last year!

    Has your Santa Scooter got the JR diamond underneath? BTW has your TB2 got the JR diamond or just the letters HMP underneath?

  5. That's not the Santa I was referring to, Woodsy. In one of your links, there's 6 small photos grouped together, one of which is Santa on a 3-wheeled bike sort of thing. When you push it along (friction-drive), the legs revolve with the movement of the bike's pedals and the toys in his sack go up and down. You can see it on the post titled 'Santa Claus Rides Again...' In fact, you commented on it.

    My TB2 is 'Made In Hong Kong' (without glue), and does indeed have a little diamond on the base of the friction-drive housing. I believe this was the first version, before production was moved to England.

  6. Ah, yes, the trike. I think thats the MM brand. Merehall maybe. I've been collecting JR21 novelty toys and info about those with the JR diamond for years. Lovely things.

  7. Indeed. Another lovely thing is Yogi Bear on a yellow friction-drive scooter, but that's by Marx Toys. It's a belter - on the blog somewhere.

  8. I winder if its worth you looking into Planet DieCast Kid? they have a big Hong Kong toys section. You may have to join. Its a forum. They have members allover and who knows, maybe one with a Blimp!

  9. Thanks Woodsy, I'll take a look. If I don't find one somewhere, it won't be for lack of your efforts on my behalf.

  10. Gave it a try, Woodsy. Whenever I try to register, nothing happens.

  11. Hi. I have a Space Blimp of Christmas boxed toy that I will be listing on eBay over the weekend. Are you uk based or abroad?

  12. Hi
    I will be listing a Space Blimp at Christmas toy on eBay over the weekend. Are you in the UK or abroad.

  13. I'm in the UK. Don't list it - just tell me how much you want for it.

  14. And as you all probably know by now, I GOT it! Yippee!


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