Saturday 20 July 2019



Received a complimentary copy of LEO BAXENDALE's SWEENY TODDLER today, the latest release from the TREASURY Of BRITISH COMICS, and let me tell you - it's an absolute belter!  Containing 90-plus pages (not counting the full-colour endpapers and Leo's son MARTIN's introduction, etc.) of one of IPC's most popular strips from the '70s (and beyond), it belongs on the bookshelves of every true fan of UK comics.  Hardback, at only a paltry £14.99 (according to the back cover), it's available in better bookshops and also direct from REBELLION at this link.  (It's listed at £19.99 on the site, but I assume that includes p&p.)

First-ever Sweeny strip

My copy contained a special print (#83 of 100) of Sweeny at his menacing best, suitable for framing and turning my study/studio into a much more colourful and interesting place to be.  So thanks to those extremely nice people at Rebellion/Treasury Of British Comics for their generosity.  Incidentally, the quality of reproduction is first class - probably better than the strips' original printing in SHIVER & SHAKE and WHOOPEE! back in the day, so it really is a 'must have', especially if you're a Baxendale fan.  There appears to be a few strips by a fill-in artist(s), but it's mainly Leo's art at its hysterical best.

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