Tuesday 30 July 2019


I was going to post a pic of TANYA
ROBERTS for today's Babe, fellas, but
then I decided three are better than one.  So
here's CHARLIE'S ANGELS instead.  The
other two cuties are JACLYN SMITH and
CHERYL LADD, and I find myself spoiled
for choice.  Who's your fave out of this
 terrific trio, Crivvies?  Vote now!


  1. Cheryl Ladd but she’s the only one I have absolutely no connection to! I met Tanya Roberts at a Con and she signed a piece of art by Gray Morrow of Sheena Queen of the Jungle in which she starred . My brother once delivered a plane ticket to Jaclyn Smith !

  2. I'm connected to all three, PS - but only on account of the lurid fantasies I entertained involving each of them when I was much younger.

  3. Of the 3 angels in your photo Kid, it would have to be Tanya Roberts - she was still a babe in That 70's Show and funny too! Of them all though, Kate Jackson...I have no idea what she's like in reality, but there was just something quirky about her...

  4. I'll have her washed and sent straight up to your room, HS.

  5. Kate Jackson was supposed to be the smart one. Maybe that meant that she could count above ten without taking off her shoes.

    Tanya Roberts was under-appreciated. She is to the Angels as Shemp was to the Stooges.

  6. As high as ten? You reckon? Kate never really did it for me - too much of a tomboy quality about her for my tastes. There was another Angel played by Shelley Hack, but I can't even remember what she looked like.

  7. I've not seen this show for 40 years, so I really dunno if the angels were as I think I remember them back then. I was also potty about the Bionic Woman (and her pal's show) back then, and watching Jaime now still sends a nostalgia frisson to my neck hairs (see how I kept that clean!). A friend related a story of a friend who was mad about Lindsay Wagner but went right off her after seeing her smoking in one episode...when I finally acquired the episode in question I must admit that I completely got what he meant(she's playing an evil duplicate, natch). If you wanna be similarly disappointed by an angel, check out Farrah's spaced-out appearance on Shatner's roast...

  8. I saw Lyndsay Wagner in a movie once, in which she went topless. You could hang a coat on them, and that's as far as I'm going with that. I remember that 'smoking' episode - the same plot was used in The Gemini Man, starring Ben Murphy.

  9. Perhaps Oscar asked Rudy Wells to tune them up as well while he was operating? I can't remember how much she cost compared to Austin and Barney Miller, but if they had a couple thousand dollars left over, they might've thought "Hell, why not?!?" ("It's hotting up now, put the kids to bed", as Frankie Howerd used to say!)

  10. Barney Miller? Wasn't he a cop? Very funny show. Type Lyndsay Wagner into the blog's search box, HS, and then stand well back.

  11. Bloody Nora, well you've made at least one failed cartoonist very happy (especially that 4th pic)! The same twit who told me the 'smoking Bionic Woman' anecdote also insisted on pronouncing her as 'Vargner' like the fella with the valkyries...

    Barney Miller was the 7 million dollar man, as played by Monte Markham in an eccentric performance that has to be seen to be believed - and his 1st appearance is still one of my fave fantasy TV episodes of all time - even now as a 50-year old I could still happily watch it once a month...anyway, the Barney Miller cop show started up and became popular so when 'our' Barney returned (in 'The Bionic Criminal') he was suddenly 'Barney Hiller'. Not many home video recorders around in '74 so people probably just didn't remember/care about this typo.

    Right, I'm off back to Ms. Vargner...I'm lucky I have no one sitting behind me here at work, but I really must get some hospital screens set up!

  12. I remember the seven million dollar man episode. Haven't seen it since it was first broadcast in the UK, but I still recall it. As for how you pronounce Lyndsay's surname, I avoid that by just saying "Yes, Mistress" whenever she asks me to make love to her. (Nurse!)


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