Tuesday 18 June 2019


Copyright DC COMICS

Time flies, they say - and they're right (whoever 'they' are), as it's been over two years since the last instalment of our SECRET ORIGINS cover gallery.  There were 50 issues in all in this particular run, and though I think I only ever read the first few, they at least provide material for this blog and for any Criv-ites who might be interested in seeing them.

One day I really must sit down and try and work my way through them all, but some issues look far less interesting than others.  It was a good idea I suppose, in regard to retelling the origins of the 'A-listers', but let's be totally honest here - when it comes to DC COMICS characters in that category, you can probably count them on the fingers of one hand.

Anyway, enjoy the piccies, and if there's anything you'd like to say, feel free.


  1. I found Secret Origins a bit hit and mias, but there are a couple of later issues that I really like. #46 has the origins of the JLA and the Legion's headquarters, both are surprising and a little haunting. #47 has a lovely touching Ferro Lad story drawn by Curt Swan.

    Both worth a look if you ever get the chance to read them!

  2. Yeah, it was hit and miss, DS - more miss than hit I'd say. For many years I was missing #29, but managed to obtain it a couple or so years back. Now that I've got the full 50, I sometimes consider just keeping the issues I like and dispensing with the rest. However, there's something satisfying about having the complete set. Hopefully I'll get around to reading them all before too long.


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