Saturday 8 June 2019


Face it, Crivvies - if you had a wife
or girlfriend as stunning as CAROLINE
MUNRO, you'd never want to leave your
house, would you?!  Except to run out for
flowers and chocolates to bribe her not to
go out either.   'Cos there'd be no point
 staying in if she wasn't there, eh?


  1. She is a sweet for certain. Got hold of the movie Star Crash a few weeks back and enjoyed it immensely for all its absurdity. Ms. Munro is a big reason that show holds water after so many years. There's an extensive interview with her on the disk I got and she comes across as a sweet caring lady who had fun making movies at the time and appreciates them for what they were then and now.

    Rip Off

  2. Yes, she's well-known for being really nice at conventions, RJ. I've never seen Star Crash, but I recall Starburst magazine reviewing the movie when it first came out. Only seems like a few short years ago, even though I know it was much longer than that. Caroline is the only reason I'd even want to see it - then and now.

  3. I was lucky enough to meet her at a Con a few years back and she couldn't have been nicer. I was awestruck (I've fancied her since the 70s) and my son (about 6 at the time) filled the conversation gap and they chatted quite happily while I got my wits together. She then suggested we get a picture when she spotted my camera, stood next to me, put her arm around me, I was in heaven!

  4. Lucky man, MW. I've fancied her from the '70s as well, but she's never attended any conventions nearby that I know of, so no photo opportunities for me. Is the photo on your blog? I'll pop over there now and take a look.

  5. This was my blog about actually meeting her -

  6. Actually, I read it after the one above (when you type Caroline Munro into your search box), in which you showed the photo again, but I'll go back and leave a comment on it.

  7. Ms Munro was at the SECC Glasgow a few years ago (possibly over 9 years ago) I recall attending the event and was disappointed as it was mostly about TV and film, not comics. Anyway she was there and I had no idea who she was until I looked her name up online when I got home and wasn't aware she had so many fans (I can se why all the same). I think she's at the Braehead Comic and Film con in August.

  8. No doubt she'll be in touch with me to ask for a date, PM, so I'll wait to hear from her. Didn't know she'd been in Glasgow though, she kept that quiet.

  9. You should definitely give Star Crash a look, Kid. It is a (car ) crash, but irresistible. And like all of you, of course, I've fancied her since the '70's as well. I mean, that's why I put her in the Kids From Rec. Road after all... ( thanks for the reference photo I'll be nicking BTW! ):)

  10. Nick away, PD, the photo isn't mine anyway. Yes, I'll no get around to seeing Star Crash one day. She also played Dr. Phibes' wife in the two Phibes movies, which are good for a laugh.

  11. Star Crash is worth seeing just for Caroline (the things we do for love...), but I would turn the volume all the way down so you don't have to hear the dialog. In the English language version, Caroline's lines were evidently dubbed by a hyena, and the robot does a bad Yosemite Sam imitation.

  12. Ah, that's right, I'd forgotten it was a foreign movie, TC. (Italian, I think?) I'll wait until I see it going for a couple of quid in a charity shop. In fact, I might see if it's on YouTube.

  13. I always used to confuse her with Valerie Leon... Both were knockouts... One of them started in Spy Who Loved Me... Caroline Munro?

  14. I take it you mean 'starred', not 'started', LH? Caroline was in Spy Who Loved Me, Valerie was in Never Say Never Again.

  15. In a small role it has to be said. However, she certainly made an impression (or two).


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