Friday 7 June 2019


"Look, luv," I said to foxy babe ALEXANDRA
BASTEDO"there's no point draping yourself across
the bed in that alluring fashion and gazing at me in that
seductive manner - I just have to finish bagging all my
POPEYE comics and that's an end to it!"  (And no,
'bagging my Popeye comics' isn't a euphemism.)


  1. I only know her from that TV show 'The Champions' which was repeated on BBC2 back in the '90s. Was she in anything else?

  2. Loads of things, CJ - too many to mention. Look her up on Wikipedia for details of her career. Her last TV appearance was on Eastenders.

  3. Take no notice of him Alexandra. You come round and check out my Legend Testers library we won't notice the missing ones. We will leave Popeye bagging his spinach heh

  4. Oi, you - stop trying to pinch my burds! Better remind me which Legend Testers episodes you're missing, LH, 'cos I've clean forgot.

  5. And no I am not collecting women's measurements.

  6. You can cross 41 off the list as I have just acquired it... Very impressed with both Dalek book repairs.. Well done... Hang on... What's that... Jeri just nodded she agrees they look good.. Lol.

  7. Apologies for the delay, LH, but the issues you're looking for (if I have them) are buried in the bottom of a double cupboard, which I'll have to empty in order to get to them. I will get around to it soon, but first I have to move stuff in my room so that there's a space to put all the stuff I empty out of the cupboard.

    Incidentally, there's someone on ebay selling a disc of over 200 issues of Smash! (from #1) for only around £4.99, so that might be worth considering in the meantime. Just type Odhams Smash! into the ebay search box.

  8. By the way, Jeri, who's sat next to me, was on Skype, nodding at someone. So that was you?

  9. Check this guy out

  10. Took a look. It's a shame he has some missing. And I wish he wouldn't round off the cover corners.

  11. LH, I've just emptied my cupboard to look at my Smash! comics, and it's bad news I'm afraid. I don't have the numbers you're looking for as individual issues, though I DO have them in my Odhams bound file copies. Unfortunately, I can't open them wide enough to scan without inflicting serious damage on them, so it looks like that disc on ebay is your best bet. 200 issues for around a fiver is a good deal, 'cos it would have taken the seller months (if not longer) to scan every page.


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