Monday 27 May 2019


Copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Maybe I'm out of touch, but it seems to me that seven quid (okay, £6.99) for a comic magazine is a bit steep.  The adult part of me doesn't think that, but the child-like part does.  Yet I suppose that, with comics not selling as many as they used to in days of yore, the dwindling readership has to pay a higher price to keep their favourite titles going.  Which brings us nicely to this year's The DANDY Summer Special (which is listed as Dandy Yearbook on the receipt).

Actually, it's a little belter, with loads of reprints of earlier strips, from 1964 right up until 2004, though it's the older material which makes this publication worth having.  I took a quick look at The BEANO Summer Fun & Activity Special (or whatever it's called), but I was less impressed with that, as I regard the 'activity' pages as mere filler (so won't be buying it).

If you can only afford one Summer Special this year, I'd say that The Dandy is the one to go for, so get straight 'round to WH SMITH's now and plonk down your pennies to pay for it.  (All 699 of them.)  Remember when Summer Specials cost only 2/6d ?  Oh, for those days again.  Hardly likely though, eh?

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