Saturday 18 May 2019


Never was a fan of MICHAEL JACKSON (never will be now given the recent revelations), but I did like THRILLER.  That was primarily because of VINCENT PRICE's vocal contribution and the zombies dancing around.  However, what if this song had been recorded back in the 1930s?  Here, recently spotted on MARK EVANIER's blog, is a great version by WAYNE BRADY.  Watch it here right now, then watch it again over on ME's blog (click on his name above), just to thank him for bringing it to our attention. 


  1. Kid, the recent "revelations" about Michael Jackson have been made before. The two men making the allegations have previously tried to get a payout from the Jackson estate. I've read that other Jackson "victims" have admitted they were pressured by their greedy parents to say Jackson abused them in order to get an out-of-court settlement.

  2. Yes, but people seem to be regarding the recent wave of allegations with much more credence, CJ. Let's face it, guilty or not, why would a grown man want to surround himself with other people's kids? And note that there were never any fat kids with glasses, or girls in fact; it was always olive-skinned, almond-eyed girly-boys, who he liked to dress like him. Sleeping with kids? Decidedly dodgey behaviour which leaves a huge question mark over his head, whether he actually touched them or not. I remember him saying on TV once that it was "All for the children", yet he would grab his crotch on stage. A lot of his dance moves were highly-sexualized, so his stuff was far from suitable for kids.

    And why make pay-outs if he was innocent? To make the allegations go away because he didn't want mud sticking? He should have known that once he paid out, it could be used against him in future and make him look guilty even if he wasn't. I'm not saying he WAS a paedo, but I'm not saying he wasn't either. And that doubt, which is shared by many, is his own fault.


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