Wednesday 3 April 2019


I showed my newly acquired FAIRYLITE SUPERCAR a few posts back, borrowing the seller's photos for the purpose because I was waiting for a replica box to arrive before I snapped a pic of my own.  (In fact, now that I remember, I was also waiting for the toy to turn up.)  Well, the professionally printed box arrived this morning, so here it is (with toy) against a backdrop of the first three issues of TV CENTURY 21.  Sharp-eyed readers will note that I've got two number ones, but I ain't selling either of them so don't ask.

I'll have something to say about repro boxes in an upcoming post, so keep your eyes peeled.  In the meantime, feel free to comment on this one.


  1. Interesting perspective on that repro box illustration. I hadn't realised that Supercar flew so fast that the cabin was left behind by the faster accelerating nose!

  2. And it's flying with its wings IN, T47, when they should be extended. Let's face it, the toy isn't too accurate, so why should the box illo be? Still nice though, eh?


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