Friday 19 April 2019


I've just updated my post about DC COMICS Limited Collectors' Editions by adding the SUPERMAN Vs. MUHAMMAD ALI Special from 1978.  Wanna take a look?  Then click here.


  1. Happy Easter, Kid - don't eat too many chocolate eggs and hot cross buns :D

  2. Happy Easter to you too, CJ. Too late for me to follow that advice, alas.

  3. Could never work out that when the artist drew this he had Superman above Ali and Ali above Superman.. Don't recall Superman being a dark skinned gentleman and Ali wearing red undies on the outside.

  4. I think Adams was merely replicating a cover originally drawn by Joe Kubert, LH, who probably assumed that Supes' name would be above Ali's, and not side-by-side (more or less).

  5. To this day I still try to identify all the celebs in the audience. Some were comic professionals not known by their faces, some US celebs not well known to us the UK in the 70s. Some were just too small to make out.

  6. And some were just not very good likenesses, PS. Still a nice book to have though.


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